Come Back

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I arrived at the bridge and sat down on the ledge. I looked over at the blue water. I sighed.


Life isn't easy and I get that. I know that people say life wouldn't give you the problems it did unless it thought you could handle them but, it was wrong about me. I'm not strong enough. I'm in love with you and always will be. You shattered my heart into nothing when that girl kissed you at the mall. But, it made me realize, I'm done. Done trying to be perfect, done trying to look pretty, done making myself puke to get skinnier, done living. Tell Chris thanks for caring for me and being so sweet and funny. Tell Balz thanks for making me laugh on bad days. Tell Alice I'm sorry that our best friend title didn't last long. Tell Ryan thanks for telling me the truth and vein there for me. Tell Ghost thanks for the jokes about the guys. And to you... Thank you for telling me in pretty even though I'm not. Thanks for trying to keep me from killing myself even though I ended doing it anyway. I can't take on this world anymore. Move on too. I'm not that hard to get over. Trust me. I love you Ricky. I'm sorry it had to come to this. This is as long as m life goes because I'm done. I'm sorry again but, goodbye my love.

- Katie

By this point, tears stained the pages. I set my bag on the paper so it wouldn't blow away. I'm done. I stood up on the ledge and took a deep breathe. I pulled out the blade. My time on this earth has come to an end. I looked down at my favorite shirt one last time and my jeans. I fixed my hair a bit and then, smiled. I can finally be set free. Tears poured down my face but the smile stayed. I pressed the cold metal to my soft, pale wrist.

"KATIE! I can't live without you! Please don't!" I heard Ricky's voice yell in the distance.

It was nice to hear it one last time. I turned at blew a kiss at Ricky. I turned around and saw he was running at me full speed, crying.

I drug the blade across my wrist and started to fall backwards towards the water when I was grabbed.

"Let me go Ricky. You deserve better." I said barley awake as he held his hand on my wrist and held me against him. He pushed some hair behind my ear as tears of his landed on my face.

"No. I can't. I love you baby. Don't leave me." He sobbed.

I noticed the guys and Alice were now standing in a circle around us.


Then, it went black.


I watched my best friend cradle the love of his life as she slipped away in his arms.

"AHHHHH!" Rick screamed as he rocked back and fourth with her in his arms.

"Come back..." He whispered and then kissed her forehead.

Tears were coming down my face too. Her lifeless body lay limp in his arms that were stained with blood from her. I can't believe this. She's... She's gone.

I looked over to see all of us were crying.

Soon an ambulance showed. I don't know who called them but they showed.

"Sir. You have to let go of her." A paramedic told Rick.

"NO! No..." He yelled then whispered.

He sobbed as they preyed him off her. They shoved her in the ambulance and Rick fell to his knees.

"Katie why? No!! I can't lose you baby... No." He yelled through tears.

I helped him to his feet and we all got in Balz car. I grabbed Katie's note and her bag. I put the bag in the trunk and the note in my pocket. The whole way there, Alice was wiping Balz face as he cried and her too. She wiped his face so he could see the road. Rick sat next to me in the back sobbing hard. So hard, he puked out the window twice.

Once we got to the hospital, we all ran in to the desk.

"Katie please." We all said at the same time through tears.

"Room 224." The lady said at the desk.


I jetted up the stair case and into her room. She lay there, more pale than usual, almost dead. Chris walked up there next to me and handed me a piece of paper.

"It's from Katie." He said as a tear streamed down his face. I opened the letter and read all the way to the end. Tears poured and poured down my face. I fell to my knees and put my face in my hands. The beeping in her room got slower and slower. Then, she flat lined.

"NOOOOOO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I flung open the door and collapsed at her side.

"No baby! NO!" I yelled as the guys and Alice came in.

Then the doctor said 5 little words that ripped up my insides and threw them away.

"I'm sorry but... she's gone."


*p.s. I cried writing this*

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