The Love Never Stops

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~A Week Later~

I woke up, still in bed. Ricky's not in here. Awe... I closed my eyes and dozed back off.


"Katie... baby... you hungry?" Ricky's voice asked, waking me.

"Mmm... Mmhmm." I hummed, rolling over.

"Okay cutie, let's go." He said.

"Mm mm." I said and pulled the blanket up.

"Yeeees." He said.

I raised my arms and he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his neck. I felt my wool sock falling off.

"Uh! Uh!" I hummed.

"What?" He asked, stopping before walking out of the room.

"Uh! Wicky! My so-ock." I said.

"Awe, I'm sorry. Here." He said, reaching around and pulling it back up.

I buried my face once again and took a deep breath. He smells so good. He smells like home. I felt him begin to lay me on the couch.

"Uh!" I hummed, gripping him tighter.

He chuckled and carried me in the kitchen. He tried to set me on the counter.

"Mmm!" I hummed, gripping tighter.

"Babe! You gotta go somewhere so I can cook your food." He said.

I lifted my head.

"TO DUH YIVING WOOM!" I said in a little kid voice.

I dropped my face and he laughed. He carried me in the living room for the second time and set me on the couch lightly.


I must have dozed off, because I woke up to a plate clanking on the coffee table. I opened my eyes to see bacon and strawberry banana pancakes. I sat up and dipped the bacon in the ketchup in a bowl on the side. After I ate 2-3 pieces, I took a drink of the double chocolate nesquik milk that I love.

"Wow. You really know me." I said, giggling.

He kissed my cheek and went back in the kitchen.

"Uh! Uh! Wicky!" I said setting down the glass in my hand and reaching out my arms, opening and closing my hands.

He came back with a cup of coffee and a plate of food for him.

"I'm right here, Tatie!" He said.

I giggled loudly.

"Wicky! Stowp!" I said.

He chuckled and sat next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder as I shoved more bacon in my mouth. He kissed my forehead, but when he did, his coffee cup tilted, and spilled right on my upper thigh.

"AHHHHH! RICKY, OW! AHHHH! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I yelled, tears pouring down my face.

What I didn't tell anyone, was that Billy and Ray were into some fucked up shit. They would cut open my upper thighs and the lips of my- yeah, and then cum in them, and pour salt and stuff in the cuts. There's scars down there.

Ricky jumped up and dabbed my leg with a napkin. I pulled the material away from my leg and ran upstairs. I rubbed lotion on it and wrapped it. I walked back downstairs and sat down next to Ricky. I laid on him and he jumped up.

"I'm, um, done." He said taking a half empty plate in the kitchen.

I shrugged and kept eating. I went in the kitchen when I finished, to see Ricky eating the rest of his food.

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