Happy Birhday

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I woke up to the sound of screaming. I sat up and looked around. It was pitch black in my room. I covered my ears and opened the door to the bedroom. I saw Alice, dangling from the ceiling, dead. Screams fled form my mouth as I looked around to see Chris's lifeless body laying on the stairs, his torso completely cut in half. I walked over him, crying, feeling like I was floating. Looking around, I realized I was at the bottom of the stairs. The lights flickered. I flew forward and smacked my face on the front door. I floated up in the air and spun around several times. I was screaming. When it stopped, I was facing the stairs. Balz dead body hung from the stairs off to the side. Blood dripped down his arms, which were cut top to bottom. I flew to the ground. I ran in the kitchen. All the knives were stuck in random places in the wall all over. Allie's body was pinned beneath 8-10 knives. I grabbed a knife and traveled to the back door. Ghost's skin was laying on the ground. No bones or muscle... Just skin. I screamed as I ran into the living room to see Zach's body on the floor... His arms and legs were in different parts of the room. I floated up and landed on the top of the stairs. Ryan's legs lay by the bedroom door, and the rest of him lay in the corner. I went in the bathroom to see Ana and Kylie's body's in the bathtub, which was filled to the brim with blood. I ran into the hall to see Ricky standing at the end.

"Why hello my dear... Did you miss me?" He growled, floating to me quickly.

He grabbed me by my throat and lifted me in the air.

"I never loved you Katie. You're a cheap, nasty, ugly, fat, stupid whore. I've wanted you dead for so long. This is my chance you fucking bitch. I used you to get my powers you little slut. Rot in hell." He growled, tightening the grip on my neck, and the light began to fade from my eyes.

Then I woke up.... It was all a dream. Tears were streaming down my face. I soon felt my mouth open... I was screaming. It wouldn't stop. I kept screaming into nothing. It stopped. Getting up, I looked out the window. It was daytime. I looked at my phone to see it was 6:30 pm. My legs trembled beneath me as I walked out of the bedroom and went down stairs. The sun shined through the windows. Sleep was no longer part of my life. My phone then buzzed.

Me: H-hello?
Ricky: Hey baby girl. I'm sorry about not coming home last night. We went out after the show... Yeah I'll be home in about 10 minutes babe. I love you so much!
Me: I love you too baby! I'm g-glad you're coming home... Sane.
Ricky: what was that last thing?
Me: Nothing! See you soon!

I hung up and sighed. The front door flung open right then and I saw Ricky. I smiled and ran to him. He wrapped his long arms around me and took a deep breathe, as did I.

"God I missed you." He whispered.

"I hate when you leave like that... I love you." I said.

He kissed my cheek and then my lips. He pulled away with a smile on his face.

"So... How was my princess?" He asked.

My lower area heated up when he said princess.

"Um, f-fine." I stuttered out, chewing on my nail.

His face lit up as he set his bags down.

"Let's make dinner! Oh! Oh! We should have dessert for dinner!" He said excitedly.

I giggled and followed him as he ran in the kitchen. He got out cheese, vanilla cake mix, and eggs.

"What do you plan on making with that?" I asked, giggling.

"Cheese cake... Duh!" He said grabbing a bowl.

I ran over and grabbed his hands from behind.

"Baby... You don't make cheese cake with cheese." I said.

"UH! But it's in the title!!" He whined.

Laughing, I grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. He smirked and placed a kiss on my collar bone.

"Let's make French fries and dip them in cake frosting!" I said.

"Ooo! Yeaaaah!" He said kissing me.

"What kind of fries?" I asked.

He grabbed my hips and spun us around so I was against the counter.

"Um... All of them!" He said.

He grabbed my hand and drug me to the car. I was in a black tank top that my nipples showed through, and black booty shorts.

"Ricky! The fuck?" I yelled as he opened my car door and pushed me in.

He jumped in and drove.

"We are going to get 1 large fry from anywhere we can get fries!" He said.

I laughed and grabbed the hoodie I left in the back seat a couple weeks ago. Zipping it up, I looked at Ricky. His face was taken up almost completely by his bright smile that could light up millions of football fields, his eyes were very blue that day in the lighting, and his pale skin shinned beautifully in the slight sun light. That man means everything in the whole world to me. Nothing can change that. Nothing... <3


By the time we were heading home, we had large fries from Wendy's, McDonald's, Freddy's, Chick Fil A, Jack In The Box, Arby's, Hardy's, Cabana, Burger King, Long John Silvers, Captain D's, Pepper Jack's, and Five Guys.

"So many friiiies!" Ricky said.

I couldn't even see, there was so many bags of fries.

"I can't see you!" I said.

I heard him chuckle. I felt the car stop and about half the bags were taken off of me. Getting out, I picked up the rest and we went inside.

"Powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk! Get it!" I called.

Ricky ran in and grabbed all the stuff, setting it on the counter. I grabbed a bowl and put in each thing, then mixing. Ricky's arm were wrapped around my waist.

"Hey baby girl..." Ricky said.

"Yeah?" I asked in a little kid voice.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered.

I looked at the clock. It was 12:03 am. He kissed my neck a few times and dipped his finger in the icing. I made 5 bowls the size of a bathroom sink. He smudged the icing on my face and spun me around. I dipped my finger in the icing and smudged it on his lips.

"Let me get that for you, sir." I said.

He laughed and kissed me. His tongue found its way into my mouth and fought with mine. He won, like always. He pulled my hips against his and kissed a few seconds longer.

"Now," he said pulling away, "Let's eat those fries before they get cold!"

We went in the living room with a huge fucking bowl. We poured all the fries in it and mixed them up. I set the 5 icing bowls around the fry one and we started eating.

"I love you, Katie." Ricky said.

"I love you too, Wicky." I said in a kid voice.

"Hey Katie?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I asked in return.

"I just want you to know that this love I have for you... It's the strongest feeling I've ever had. When I'm not with you, I ache. I feel alone and like I'm missing what makes me whole. You're literally my entire world, baby girl. I love you so fucking much and not one person can ever change that. You give me a reason baby girl." He said.

A few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Ricky..." Was all I could get out.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. That was... Hands down... The best birthday ever.

/// Hello my loves! I'm back at it! I'll be writing on this lots, I'm pretty sure! I love you all!!!! Sorry this was kind of short... Kiss kiss, bang bang. ~Horror Girl\\\

You Give Me A ReasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora