26. The Guests Are Out to Get Me

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Now this story I find funny... for others. I'm kidding, after the day was over it was pretty funny for me as well. 

I was just finishing this room. As always it looked pristine, it was beautiful, everything was clean and perfect. The way I always leave my rooms and so I punched it so it was ready to be rented. 

I never expected it to be rented out almost immediately. Like within minutes of my leaving this room, there was a guest entering it. I thought "wow, that was quick" and moved on with my day. 

That's not the part that made me think they were out to get me. Oh no. I like it when guests enter my room minutes after I am done cleaning it, it makes me feel like I have accomplished something. 

And it is a good reminder that I am one of the few girls that have this power. The power of not needing my rooms checked when there are girls above and below me on the seniority list. 

the part that made me feel as though they were out to get me was that they checked out the same day, while I was still on shift. Meaning I had to clean that room... AGAIN!

And of course, they used everything so I had to clean everything. The bed was used, the bathroom was used - including the shower, the garbage was used, even the carpet was covered in something and needed to be vacuumed again!

And so, I cleaned that room for the second time that day. The only good that came out of it was an extra half hour to my paycheque. 

When it was time to stock my cart, I started my mini tiraid of complaints. When I did the complaining, I made sure that I was doing it to make others laugh. So I was overly dramatic, flinging my arms around and being sarcastic. 

"They don't know it yet," I said dramatically. "But this guest was out to get me. They thought hum oh, this looks like a fun housekeeper to pick on."

I had everyone in the laundry room in hysterics. In situations like this, it is always good to twist my misfortunes into something that can be laughed about later. 

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