22. Malfunction

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Key cards stop working, it happens a lot actually. At least in our hotel, it does. There have been times where keys that stop working have put me behind in rooms because I would go up to the floor and try to get my cards, and need to go right back down and get a new one. 

What about the cards that stopped in the middle of a shift? Yup, that has also happened to me. When this happens, I have to ask my supervisor to open a few doors for me, or at the very least I have to go and get a new key. 

It's really annoying and totally not fun running around because I have to get into a room. 

What happens when more than one key malfunction at the same time, on the same day. This has happened to me... Twice. 

One time, I was done my shift - I was the last girl calling still - so I grabbed all the keys to find out which ones were working and which ones were not. 

Of 10 keys, half of them had malfunctioned at the same time. This, I found insane. 

I later found out that the keys (that were normal room keys) expired at a set date, other times, it was just a straight-up malfunction. 

After these keys stopped working multiple times they replaced the keys with the keys maintenance use.

There has even been a case where a guest was given a key that worked for all rooms in the hotel. They had gone into two guest rooms on the same night. 

The first room they went, they went to the bathroom as the person was just walking up and the second time, they accidentally went into the wrong room. 

Imagine a random person walking into your room, would you freak out? 

I sure as hell would.

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