21. That Question

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I have been asked multiple things while on the job. Can I have this? Where do you find that? Is the pool open? What's a good place to eat in town? Things like that.

I had even been asked once to braid a little girl's hair because her father didn't know how and her mother was at work. (Of course, I was totally fine doing it, I just made sure my hands were clean and voila) I'm not sure, but I think I may have even offered to teach the father how to braid so he didn't need to rely on others.

But in all the time I was at the hotel, I never thought I would get a question that would disgust me and creep me the fuck out before in my life.

I was cleaning a room - which of course was on the third floor because that floor has some sort of problem with me being on it. Maybe it was cursed!

Anyways, I was cleaning a room when I see a man standing at the cart. I go over - now it's getting late, the only light coming from the room is the soft glow of every friggin light being on and it still not being enough! - and ask if I could help.

"I was supposed to meet someone in this room," he said. Clearly he was here looking for something. He was young and looked A LOT like the man who played Jackson Avery on Grey's Anatomy.

The room clearly had a kid in it before it became a checkout. Something was off. "Sir, are you sure you have the right room? This room has been empty for hours, no one is renting it."

He blinked and I continued, "if you are looking for someone, I'm sure you can go to the front desk and ask and they can help you better."

"Well, can I use the bathroom?" It was my turn to blink.

"Sir, there are public bathrooms at the end of each hall on the main floor," I didn't want to let him in. He was creeping me out.

"Please? I really have to go," I sigh and let him enter. I already checked the whole room for any possessions and there was none, just sharpie marker on the desk and side table. I had my phone in my pocket now and I was ready to call my super as soon as things turned dicey for me.

He stands there, not doing anything with the door open. So I leave the room and stand on the opposite side of the cart and wait for him to finish whatever he was doing.

He leaves seconds later, "sorry, I couldn't do it. Would you, you know watch me?"

I was stunned, it was then I noticed he was fiddling with his covered dick and again he looked right at me. "Like it will only take a few minutes and I won't make a mess. I just want you to watch me."

I had finally regained my voice, "I'm at work!" I said incredulously. I was also scared, what if he tried something because I refused to watch him masturbate? There were no cameras on the floors or in the stairwells. The only camera there was, was on the opposite end of the hallway - I was in the last room at the opposite end - so he could try anything he wanted and basically not get caught.

"Does this mean you're not interested?"

"No! I'm not interested. I'm at work." My voice was surprisingly calm for the situation I was in. He asked again, "are you sure you don't want just a peak?"

"Yes I am sure," I said. My hands were clutching the phone and I was ready to scream should events call for it.

"Okay," he turned and walked away down the stairs which were through a door just beside the one I was at.

I stood there shaking for a moment before I walked back into the room and pulled my phone out to text my supervisor.

"You're not supposed to be on your phone," she said. I hadn't even realized she was there now.

"I swear I wasn't doing anything bad. I just finished messaging you saying some guy asked me to watch him masturbate and I was going to call you if he came back."

"He did it to you too?" Not the response I was thinking I was going to get.

"Wait, someone else saw him?" She nodded.

Turns out another girl had seen him twice and he asked the same question the second time.

"For now, clean with the door closed. Two other girls (she didn't say this working together) will be on the floor in the room next to yours soon. Before that, I'll send Jake up," I was terrified.

What if he came back? And if he somehow managed to get in.

I had 2 rooms left after this and I decided to clean them at the same. I wanted to be out of there ASAP.

So I kept cleaning, my phone stayed by my side the whole time. When I felt a little more confident, I told the girls they were good to leave. I was almost done so I felt I was okay.

Later on, I discovered my co-worker had accidentally sent him my way.

They searched the hotel for him, they were going to kick him out once he did, but he was already gone. We didn't see him after that.

I was talking about it a little while later with Gena, and she told me she was so shocked when she found out it was me. I can understand, I'm still in my early 20's and this situation was very new to me.

I don't think I'll ever forget it. It was definitely the worst experience I've EVER had at the hotel.

But the creeps don't stop there. After work when I was with my father and sister, we watched as a creepy looking man walked over and tried to look through our window.

To freaked out to do anything we sat there silent praying our dad would come out of the store soon.

This was in the. Same. Day!

Never have I had a rougher day in such a long time, and I have health with a lot of shit. 

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