2. A Month of no Service

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This is a case of another set of guests that stayed at the hotel. These men were staying for a month and for that whole time they refused service.

We were all getting really worried about the state of those rooms once we got into them. Would they be awful? Probably.

It was my turn to have those rooms. Both of them we still listed as stays on my board. 

I was thinking it would be an easy 15 minutes taken off my board. I was DEAD wrong. 

I caught one as he was exiting his room and I walked over, "Sir, do you need service for your room today?" He gave me a look as if I was stupid. I am far from stupid might I add. He wasn't much older than I was and I am still fairly young. 

"No, I will be leaving today. Something came up and I'm on my way home."

No. NO! Shit, I was in trouble. I was officially in internal meltdown mode. This could be the moment my day went to absolute hell. 

And it was. 

Once he was gone, I entered the room and the first thing that hit me was the smell. IT WAS AWFUL! You could smell it from the other end of the hall! 

I took a deep breath and marched into the smelly room. Mounds of garbage were making it hard to walk through inside the room. 

Music blarring, I got to work. My first task was taking all the garbage out of the room. Noodle cups, chocolate bar wrappers and other food wrappers were scattering the floor and furniture along with cans of alcohol and coke. 

Tissues lay next to the used bed, it was clear what he was doing with his spare time. What made it worse was that the garbage can that sat in the room was in pristine shape. Completely empty! Did this man not know how to use a garbage can?! I was outraged, but I had a job to do. 

By the time I got to the bathroom, I was already half an hour into cleaning the room. I was getting angrier by the moment. 

If this was what his hotel room looked like, what did his home look like?

I looked over the state of the bathroom and nearly turned to walk away. It was just as bad, if not worse than the bedroom. 

There was a spoon in the tub and an orange ring of Mr. Noodle juice staining the white ceramic of the sink. More cans were in the tub and the tub itself was covered in crap.

I groaned and kept working on and it was terrible. Sometimes I really hated my job, this was one of those moments.

Once done the room (after 1 hour and 6 minutes of pure brutal torture), I took a break and warned my supervisor of how bad the second room would be. This man was his partner in crime. 

Two weeks later, one of my coworkers got the second room. It took her the same amount of time it took me to clean the room. 

I was just thankful it wasn't me. I doubt I would have been able to keep my patience in check that time. 

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