24. Just One Bite?

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Now, this was a day I will never let anyone live down. Actually, these are two days that have changed what I thought about my colleagues and the trust I have in them.

You know how you buy food and you just can't finish it? You put your name on it and throw it into the staff fridge thinking it will be safe and the people you work with on a daily basis are trustworthy right? 


I had bought myself KFC for lunch and I had bought a little too much so I put the rest away for the next day. My name was on it and everything before I put it in the fridge. 

When I came back the next day, there was a large bite taken from the leftover chicken I had, that mind you was not even touched. I was heartbroken, I really wanted that chicken, but I threw it out because there was no telling what the other person did and went to make a complaint. 

I didn't have a lunch break that day. Though it is not actually common for me to eat food while on break, I was disappointed that I did not get that delicious chicken. 

Now, I had a little payback for this. My family and I were having Swiss Chalet for dinner and we took the leftovers home. I had chicken I was bringing to work and a spare box for a McChicken from McDonald's I had gotten from the previous night's midnight snack. Those too are uncommon, but greatly loved when they happen.

I put the chicken bones in the fridge, with no name on the box, and stuck it in the staff fridge. If they opened the box, they would get a nasty note and a box full of uselessness. 

Don't ask why I felt so proud of myself at that moment, because really, it is a childish thing to do. I was just angry, so of course, I did this. 

It happened another time, I had my food in the fridge, this time it was garlic potatoes leftover from the Shwarma place that is right by our work. 

When I came down for lunch, I looked at my meal and found the latch was broken, now this was bad news, it meant that someone, again, had gotten into my food and was tampering or eating it. 

I was furious, throwing it in the trash I went right to my manager and told her what had happened. She informed me that some other people have been complaining about it as well and that she would investigate the matter. 

Well, nothing ever came of it and I no longer left my food in the fridge. In fact, I never brought another meal to work after that. I would rather not eat all day until dinner time than waste what was brought in the first place. 

I will never forget that moment as long as I live. 

The Real Tales of a HousekeeperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora