13. From the Corner of My Eye

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Some people don't believe in ghosts, some do. I am one of those people who do believe. Now go ahead and think I'm crazy, but I can swear to you what I saw and heard freaked the living daylights out of me.

It's happened more than once, seeing movement from the corner of my eye in vacant rooms. Things that move or fall without warning and it's all very freaky.


I was cleaning a room when I saw something move in the corner of my eye, it was white and leaving the room I was in. There was no one in the room, I had been alone and when I ran out into the hallway to see who it was, they were gone. Whatever or whoever they were, were gone. 


I just finished spraying the sink and placed the pink on a toilet to finish cleaning it. The pink was in the center of the flat toilet tank lid, as I watched it slide from the top and bounce on the floor. I blinked a moment, trying to figure out how it would move like that and there was no way. 


I was making a bed when I saw a flash of white in the mirror. I turned, it was too low for the reflection of the sheets, not to mention I wasn't even moving the sheets at the time because I was up by the headboard stuffing a pillow into the pillowcase. 

At this point, it happened at least three or four times before, so I was getting used to it. It didn't bother me as much anymore, just these ghosts playing tricks on me nowadays. 


Twice this happened. Twice I set the rag on the counter in an area that wouldn't allow for it to slip off and felt as it was yanked off and landed on my head. I groaned and picked them up and investigated what was going on and again why it had happened and found nothing. 


"I'm going to get you," sounded after the song had finished playing. It was a deep male voice. It never happened before and never happened after. 

The song was Unbothered by Domo Wilson. Domo Wilson is female, the voice that sounded was male. It really freaked me out a tone. 

After all these things and many more cases I could have added, I could probably write a book about them, if I could remember it all. 

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