The (After) Life Of The Party

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"Hello, everybody! Thank you for tuning into the "Music Is For Lovers" podcast. I'm your host, Stacy Momalyn, and here with me today is world-renown, pop-punk band, Fall Out Boy!" The woman says excitedly through the microphone, clapping and smiling from ear to ear. There are other people in the studio who are clapping as well which make it less awkward as the band nods politely and make their presence known by saying hello through their mics.

The band is currently on a podcast/radio show to market their upcoming MANIA tour to the media. The public eye hasn't seen them
together since the whole incident that took place about two months ago. Of course, the band told the outside world of Pete's reappearance and safety after everything was done with, but the reason why has been a mystery to the public. Unfortunately, the media absolutely loves solving mysteries like this, so theories of why the bassist went missing had sprung up all over social media. To quell this and let Pete fully recover, the band went quiet and let everything run its course. However, the silence only lasted for two month once management told them to jump back in with another tour. And sadly, that means they have to do interviews and talk to the people they desperately tried to hide from.

"We're so happy to have you all in the studio today!" Stacy says once the clapping stops. "It's been a while since I last spoken with you, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, it's been a while," Pete chuckles softly, "But we're glad to be back." He grins at the woman. Internally, he wishes that he could go back home and have another month to stay in the shadows.

Fuck you, Island Records.

Fortunately, Stacy doesn't sense Pete or any of the band members' discomfort, so she continues to be peppy and talk excitedly to the band.

"I'm so glad to hear that!" She exclaims again, "So what have you guys been doing since your last show? I know there was incident around you, Pete," She gestures to him. "Do you care to explain what happened?"

There it is...

The band tries to keep their composure as they inwardly cringe at how sudden that topic was brought up. It also didn't help that her tone was rude and invasive. But, what can the band do? They deal with interviewers like this all time, so they were bound to get a snooty bitch that'll invade their private lives. Luckily, the band- Pete mostly- had prepared for this to be brought up.

The bassist dismisses the rudeness of the interviewer and shows her his signature charming smile (it works every time) before responding, "Well, after the show I got a little-" he does a little hand motion that mimics him drinking from a bottle, "And kinda lost my way out of the venue." He chuckles which causes the rest of the room to loosen up.

Stacy, of course, laughs the loudest out of everyone and finds this whole thing amusing. "And how long were you missing for? It had to have been a while if the media and the fans were freaking out about it for days." The blonde stares at Pete with eyes coaxing him to tell her the entire story. She acts intrigued, but there's something about her vibe- with most interviewer's vibes- that seem like they're disinterested; they only want a story and nothing else.

Luckily, the band has been able to deal with these type of people multiple times due to being in the public eye since they were young adults. With this experience, they know just the way to butter them up and make a story seem bigger than it is. Especially if that story were to be a complete lie.

"I was gone for maybe a day or two," Pete ends up saying, acting unsure on how long he was "missing" for. "I didn't have my cell phone with me so it was hard to get in touch with people to tell them where I was."

"Oh, I see," The interviewer hums, "And what exactly happened to you? Did you get hurt, or...?" Stacy asks curiously. She motions her hands as if to press Pete into continuing his story.

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