The Hunt

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The group follow Dean out of the house and to the Impala. The brothers sit up front whilst three-fourths of Fall Out Boy cram into the backseat. Dean revs the engine before taking off down the road and into the nighttime of the Chicago suburbs.

Before they get too far away from the house, Patrick gets out his phone and whispers to them that he's going to make a quick phone call.

"It'll only take a minute," He promises. "I need to tell Dale that we're not gonna be home until late tonight."

"Who's Dale?" Dean asks, eyes still on the road.

"Pete's mom. His parents own the house and they're let us stay there for however long this investigation was gonna take," Patrick explains. "They went to go visit Pete's grandparents before you guys arrived."

"Alright, but don't tell her what we're doing. It might freak her out." Sam says.

"I won't," Patrick nods. "I don't want her more worried than she already is."

As Patrick makes the phone call, they drive through the quiet suburbs to get on the main road which leads into the main city. It's twenty minutes into their journey until they finally reach the outskirts of Chicago where they take an exit to get into downtown.

Following the GPS on Sam's phone, Dean drives through the small streets and eventually takes them to the two-three story buildings that inhabit this part of town.

The road the group is brought to has a row of apartment buildings on one side and a thick grouping of trees on the other. Through these trees is Lake Michigan and the woods shield this part of town from its waters, making it feel secluded and isolated.

Dean parks off to the forest side of the road, a mile or two away from the apartment the GPS located as the destination of Dirty's home. The men scramble out of the Impala, stepping onto the cracked pavement this part of town calls their "sidewalk."

"One of the abandoned warehouses are located through these trees," Sam points in the direction of the verdure. "That's hopefully where Dirty's hideout is."

The three band members nod understandably and watch the brothers walk to the trunk of their car and pull out several weapons and tools. Sam hands them each a machete, telling them that they need to aim for the head to fully kill a vampire. Again, the band members nod, this time with more awe mixed with fear and determination etched into their features.

After packing more supplies in their bags, the Winchesters and most of Fall Out Boy head off into the forest. With flashlights guiding their way, they step over rocks and dead branches; they twist around trees and other shrubs trying to reach their destination.

As they walk, the smell of lake water becomes stronger and more intense. Of course, this means they're getting closer to the beach, but where the abandoned warehouse is beyond their knowledge. Except for Sam who's walking towards the red dot which marks the location of the warehouse on his phone.

The group follows Sam blindly, but eventually make it to the edge of the forest by the lake. Off to the left rests an old wooden building, small and dilapidated on the edges of the water. A dock connects the two, reaching out into the darkness of the lake and hidden by a soft fog which rests gently upon the waters.

"Is that it?" Joe asks, whispering to Sam who stands in front of him looking down at his phone.

"Yes," He answers before shoving his phone in his back pocket. "That's it."

"Alright," Dean nods towards the building. "Let's go kick some ass."

Leading the pack are the brothers and the other three musicians are behind them with their weapons drawn, ready to fight anything that so happens but flinches.

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