The Backstory

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The three men drive back to the house in silence. Sam and Dean are still perplexed- almost worried- at what exactly Patrick is so worried about. The singer had sat in the back seat, eyes glued forward and completely still.

Dean parks the car in the driveway and they all head inside. Meeting them at the doorway were Joe and Andy, nervous smiles on their faces.

The three men walk inside and to the living room. Patrick holds the phone tight in the palm of his hand as he sits down on the couch. The brothers follow in suit, sitting back down into the same spots as before.

"How was it? Did you get his phone?" Andy asks, scanning Patrick's expression for any answer. The blonde only stays silent, but tosses the cellphone to the redhead that gracefully lands in his lap.

Andy looks to the Winchesters, silently giving them a look of "what's wrong with him?" and they return with a shrug. He glances back at Joe before reluctantly opening the phone and scanning the phone log.

"The last caller appears to be from a-"

"Dirty..." Joe finishes their sentence. A dark tone deepens his voice which tells the brothers that something has to be up.

"Who is Dirty?" Dean asks.

"He's a friend from a long time ago," Joe shakes his head. "I haven't seen him in ages."

"Why would he call Pete randomly out of the blue? Do you think that he has anything to do with his disappearance?" Sam questions. This "Dirty" seems to be leading to nowhere, and Sam's honestly questioning himself as to whether this is their kind of gig or not.

"Well... he's-"

"He's a vampire." Patrick blurts out.

The Winchesters immediately perk up, their heads turning towards the blonde whose now shaking and trying not to vomit all over the floor.

"Why would this vampire kidnap Pete?" Sam asks. Him and his brothers are shocked, but not as confused and perplexed as Joe and Andy. The two band members sit on the couch, mouths and eyes wide open in surprise.

How the hell does Patrick know all of this, but not the two other members?

"Pete did some stupid shit back then- no surprise there- and somehow got himself intertwined with the underground supernatural leagues that basically run all of Chicago. The music scene was pretty big and all of the monster clubs were into that sort of stuff, and Pete was one of their number one entertainers. But no one was as into it as Dirty," Patrick shakes his head. "He practically set up his career for him by letting him do shows at all of his bars and clubs. It was a good money making service for Dirty since he was getting business and people were paying Dirty to let Pete and other bands come play at their own businesses. Pete was only in it for his small profit and the fact that he got to play underground bars."

Patrick exhales before muttering something under his breath, "God, what an idiot he was."

"What happened to Pete from there?" Sam asks, very intrigued and curious. The underground supernatural scene is something that has sparked his interest for years, and finally hearing about it makes him somewhat excited.

"Well, he got bigger in the music scene and soon actual human bars wanted him to play. Dirty was furious because he needed him for money and human blood which, with the help of Pete, he could get easily."

"At about that point, he had met Joe who was looking to form a band. Joe thought it would be just some little band that wouldn't go anywhere, so Pete agreed. Little did he know that he was far from that, and Fall Out Boy became too big for Pete to handle."

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