The Cure

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Patrick and Andy sit patiently on the couch, anxiously waiting for their band mate and the brothers to get back.

Since the attack, they cleaned around the house and check Pete frequently to see if he might've woken up again. Luckily, he hasn't, but the thought of fighting him again terrifies the living shit out of both of the band members. It's like a ticking bomb just waiting to blow up, but they can't see the timer and chances of defusing it is slim to none.

But nonetheless, they sit in the living room and wait.

It's been about an hour since Pete's attack and two hours since the other three men left. This fact has caused the two remaining members to get antsy and nervous.

Patrick sits on one of the couches, picking mindlessly at the bandages on his injured hand and fiddling with the apps on his phone. He's tried calling a few of his friends and family members, but they all bring up Pete and the situation. Unfortunately, the reminders make him unfocus and cause him to end the calls. Since then, he's been busy messing with his bandages and looking up at the window every five minutes to see if that black Impala shows up outside.

Andy- the cool, calm, and collected person that he is- decides to go back to listening to some music and striking up conversations with Patrick when he's not on the phone. These usually help calm the men now that they feel like they're just at Pete's parent's house again to hang out. But it's always some loud noise from the outside or something that spooks them into remembering the situation and falling silent. He decides that ignoring the situation, even for a little bit, is better than thinking about it and listening to music helps with that.

Another ten minutes pass by before Patrick can hear that familiar engine sound. He looks up and out the window with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. Sure enough, that shiny black car comes zooming down the street and parks right in front of the house.

"Andy!" Patrick exclaims as he shoots up from the couch. The drummer takes off his headphones and immediately goes into defense mode as if this were a code red (aka: a Pete Wentz Attack). Patrick takes off towards the front door, but catches a glimpse of Andy's tense and serious expression before laughing, "No, silly, they're back!"

Immediately, Andy's body eases and a bright, hopeful smile shows up on his face. He gets up from the couch and quickly follows Patrick to the front door. The blonde opens it and on the other side stands a very tired, but joyful Joe Trohman with the brothers standing behind him.

"Holy shit, guys!" Joe exclaims as his two band mates engulf him in one huge hug. He wraps his arms around the two and oddly walks them back into the house. They only let go to walk into the living room and to express their feelings towards one another.

"Oh my god, Joe, we were so fucking worried." Patrick says with a boat-load of relief in his voice, "You guys weren't answering our calls and we thought— fuck, we thought something happened..." He word-vomits nervously.

By now, everyone is in the living room and standing around each other. The band mostly talk to one another whilst Sam and Dean stand back and watch them converse.

"No, we're alright. A little fucked up, but okay nevertheless," Joe lightly chuckles.

"What happened to you guys?" Andy asks as he observes their state. Joe seems a bit off-balance and tired while the brothers are more put together, but not in a good way. Their clothes are stained with black goo, especially Joe, and their overall appearances look disheveled.

"I'll tell you later, but for right now we need to cure Pete." Joe tells them.

"Does that mean you got it?!" Patrick asks excitedly, looking at all three of them. Sam pulls out the syringe of Dirty's blood from his pocket and shows it to them, smiling proudly.

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