The Disappearance

145 12 19

"Thank you, Chicago! Goodnight!" Pete screams into the microphone. The final chords to Saturday ring throughout the venue, the chorus of cheering and yelling adding on to it's volume.

Patrick steps away from his microphone, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead and no doubt staining the back of his shirt. He grabs his water and takes a sip before waving to the crowd. They scream and cheer in excitement as the four band members eventually walk off the stage.

"Holy shit," Pete huffs. "They were fucking wild."

The four collectively exchange a nod of agreement with smiles on their faces.

Patrick and Joe take off their guitars and put them away in their own guitar holders before following Andy and Pete who are making their way to their dressing room. The four eventually meet inside and space out around the small venue dressing room (which is about the equivalent of a large closet). Patrick heads straight for the couch and throws himself onto it, chugging what is left of his water. Andy takes off his ear pieces while Joe sits next to the singer on the couch talking about the show with him.

Pete on the other hand... he's trying not to have a panic attack.

"What's wrong, Pete?" Joe asks, looking at the bassist with a worried expression.

Pete clutches his phone in both hands, looking at the guitarist with a look of complete horror.

"I-I'll be right back." The bassist stutters. He fast walks his way towards the door, opening it and then slamming it closed with a loud BANG.

Joe looks over at the other two with a raised eyebrow. Andy shrugs nonchalantly, and Patrick gives the guitarist a very worried look.

"I'll go follow him." The singer gets up from the couch and heads toward the door. "I'm sure he's just a little freaked out, but who knows with him..."

Unaware of the blonde's following, Pete rushes through the hallways of the venue with his buzzing phone in his hand. He lifts it up, showing the caller name on the screen:


He presses the answer button before bringing the speaker up to his ear.

"What do you want, Dirty?" Pete asks. His hands shake from being so nervous and his anxiety is going through the roof.

"You know what I want, Wentz." The voice on the other end answers in a very ominous tone.

A shiver goes down his spine as he finally makes it out of the venue, walking into a dark alleyway that perimeters the small building. He takes a left and walks toward the open street adjacent to the alley.

"I-I understand, but I don't think I can do what you ask of me anymore." He gulps, physically shaking his head.

"You should have thought about that before you agreed to my deal..."

"That was along time ago, Dirty. Things change."

The voice on the other line goes silent for a moment before speaking again, this time more menacing and wicked. "You know what they say about change..."

Before the voice can continue, a loud bang comes from behind Pete which causes him to turn around hastily. The last thing he could see were three dark figures hidden in the dark, grinning evilly with their sharp teeth shining brightly. With terror in his eyes, Pete is knocked out cold with a heavy and sharp object. His phone is knocked to the ground and Pete is dragged out of the alleyway comatose.

"Seasons change, but people don't..." The caller states before finally hanging up the phone.

Not even a second later, the door from the alleyway to the venue swings open with a distressed Patrick Stump on the other side.

"Pete! Where the hell are you?!" He yells. The singer walks out into the alley, looking left and right for any sign of the missing bassist.

With the help of the phone's reflective screen, Patrick spots the abandoned device laying on the pavement. He rushes over to it and picks it up, holding it in his hands as if it were the most delicate object in the world. He unlocks it, making sure it's his phone. When the background of Pete's children pop up, he knows for a fact that this is his phone.

Frantically, he searches around the alleyway for any other sign of Pete. Looking down, he notices a bright red puddle right next to his foot.

"Oh my god..." He whispers, on the very verge of panic. "Pete's missing."


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