The Actor

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The Impala drives into the parking lot of the police station, parking in one of the spots next to the fairly large building. Before stepping out and heading inside, Dean turns around in his seat and looks at the obviously nervous singer.

"All you have to do is go in there, ask to see the evidence at his crime scene, and get his phone. It's pretty easy." Dean explains.

"Are you sure it's that simple? That seems to be too-"

"You'll do fine," Sam cuts Patrick off. "I'm sure you will find a way to get the phone, I assure you."

Patrick still doesn't believe him, but doesn't say anymore. Either way, he's going to have to go in there and get the phone, so there's no point in arguing. The brothers tell the singer good luck as he exists the car and heads towards the building.

Patrick walks inside, the familiarity of the station hitting him once again in the form of nostalgia. He remembers sitting in the row of chairs outside of the sheriff's office, early in the morning, trying not to cry his eyes out as he sits there patiently waiting to file the missing report on his best friend. The sheriff tried telling him that they're doing everything they can to find him, but he knew something wasn't right; a gut feeling that felt like no matter how hard they tried, Pete will never truly be found or will be found dead. Frustrated, he rushed out of the police station and fled to his car. So many emotions ran through his head that he could barely speak or function. Knocking him out of his trance was the ringing of his phone, buzzing in his right pocket waiting for someone to answer it. He fished it out, looking at the screen which showed the name BRENDON at the very top. Of course, he picked up and swallowed the lump in throat before answering with a simple hello. With cheeriness in his voice, the other man replies and tells him that he was trying to call Pete, but the other man wouldn't pick up and that's why he was calling Patrick. He couldn't lie to his friend, so the blonde told him the truth about everything. With hesitation, Brendon tells him about the Winchesters and how they might be able to help. Patrick shook his head in confusion, wondering how these strangers would help him, but writes down the cell phone number Brendon gives him nonetheless.
After hanging up the phone, consulting with his band members later that morning, and then calling the so called Winchesters, it finally leads up to this moment with him in the station and the two mysterious men sitting out in the car watching his back.

The receptionist is typing away on her computer, unaware of the singer that had just walked in. Patrick notices that she was working last night when he had came in here which made him think that he had somewhat of an advantage.

Walking up to the desk, Patrick clears his throat and introduces himself, "Hello, I'm Patrick Stump and I was here from last night due to my missing colleague."

The woman stares at him for a moment before the recollection comes washing over her face like a wave. "Oh yes, I remember." She nods, "The missing guy from Fall Out Boy... Pete Wentz? And you were here giving your statement about his disappearance."

"Yes, exactly." Patrick smiles, "Do you think I could get a look at his belongings that were taken during the investigation? I'm trying to look for something of his, but I believe that it was in with all of that stuff."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, sir." She shakes her head. "That's evidence from the scene of the crime. Letting you see and touch it is against rules and regulations. I'm sorry."

"I assure you I won't touch anything," Patrick lies. "All I need to know is that it's here and safe, that's all."

The woman looks away, biting her bottom lip and thinking. She looks very indecisive, so Patrick puts on his best pleading face that no one can resist.

THRILLER (Supernatural X Fall Out Boy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat