The Windy City

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It takes roughly 8 hours for the brothers to get from Lawrence to Chicago. The ride there was mostly sleeping and researching about the native rock band, both of which were done by Sam. Dean drove his precious Impala, speeding down the highway and passing cars that were going too slow. He knows how important this case is and every minute spent in traffic is another minute wasted not finding Pete.

Speaking of Pete, Patrick sent the boys an address of the house they were staying at until they find him. It was in the suburbs of Chicago, and as the boys pulled up to the house, they observed that it looked way to huge and nice for what seemed like a rental.

They walk up to the front door and knock lightly against the dark brown wood. Seconds later, the door opens and on the other side is the blonde lead singer. He wears a black t-shirt with a dark blue cardigan and black skinny jeans. Black framed glasses set on the bridge of his nose, hiding the black circles that color underneath his eyes. His hair is somewhat disheveled, but is hidden by a grey baseball cap that rests gently on top of his head.

"Hello. You guys must be the Winchesters?" Patrick asks, an eyebrow raised slightly.

"That's us. May we come in?" Sam asks.

"Oh yes, of course." He steps aside to let the brothers in.

They shuffle into the warm house, wiping the bottom of their shoes on the rug and watching Patrick close the door behind them. In front of them stand two sets of skinny staircases, one going down and the other going up. The walls are a beige color with a white trim and a large crystal chandelier hangs above them. On each side stands a doorway, one way leading to the dinning room and the other to the living room.

"Thank you for coming so quickly. The rest of the band and I have been so anxious about this entire thing and I'm not sure if we would've been able to handle much longer of just sitting around and waiting." Patrick shakes his head. With crossed arms, tense shoulders, and shifted eyes, the blonde is somewhat of a nervous wreck.

"We're sorry we kept you waiting for so long. We understand how nerve-wracking this whole situation is." Sam nods. "Is the rest of the band here?"

"Yes, they're in the living room to your right." Patrick points to the doorway. Sam and Dean walk into the cosy living room where the guitarist and drummer sit on the gray couch facing them. Their eyes look up and sparkle with excitement and hope, thinking that they finally have a way of getting their bassist back.

They both stand up and walk over to the brothers, hands outstretched and ready to introduce themselves.

"Hey, I'm Joe." The guitarist shakes each hand, squeezing gently. He doesn't look as bad as Patrick, but you can tell he's been on the edge for the past few days. With a head of frizzy brown locks that has been clearly unkept and bags under his eyes, he looks tired and worn down. The only thing keeping him from looking somewhat alive is the sparkle in his bright blue eyes.

The Winchesters shake his hand, and then greets the drummer.

"I'm Andy," the red-head smiles. The brothers are taken aback by the smoothness in his voice, like a soft blanket has been wrapped around them from the gentleness of his tone.

Andy looks the best out of the three, somewhat taking care of himself and trying to keep the other band members from completely losing their minds. He's the dad of the group from what the others say, and he plays that role perfectly.

"You guys can sit down," Patrick offers. The brothers take the advice and sit down on the surprising comfy couch which sits adjacent from the first one the band members were sitting on. "Do you guys need anything?" He asks.

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