The Surprise

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hold on to your wigs, kiddos, shits about to get fucking intense

trigger warning: mention of suicide attempt (yeah, i'm taking it there)

It's about one in the morning once they get back to the house. Dean parks the Impala along the road and helps the band carry their comatose band member into the building.

Once inside, Patrick leads them to the back of the house towards one of the guest bedrooms. Gently, Joe and Dean- who were carrying Pete this time- lay him down on the mattress.

Pete's countenance is still, almost peaceful, yet is covered with blood and bruises. His right eye is swollen and purple; his lips are split and dried with blood. Littering his arms and legs are colorful cuts and bruises. Even with his toned skin, he looks pallor and ghastly. Although his body looks like a dead one, his chest gently rises and falls with every small breath he takes.

Looking at him makes Patrick feel almost worse than he did before. At least now he knows that he's breathing and somewhat alright. Right now he sits next to Pete on the bed, staring down at his face feeling almost like a creep. Patrick feels protective, almost like he's Pete's body guard, and if anyone were to step a foot towards him, he'd punch them in the fucking face.

The Winchesters, Joe, and Andy either stand by the door way or on the other side of the bed facing Patrick. They all either look away from each other, staring at some inanimate object or out the window. They're glad they found their missing friend, but the idea of celebrating or even talking is not ideal at the moment. Together, they stand or sit in silence; listening to each other breathe and thanking whatever entity- Sam and Dean know God, but fuck that bastard -is up there that Pete is there with them safe.

"Patrick?!... Andy?!... Joe?!" A female voice breaks them all out of their trance by whisper-shouting. "Are you there, my dears?" She's down the hallway still, so she has yet to enter the room and see her son bloody and comatose.

"Who the hell is that?" Dean asks, spooked at the sudden unfamiliar voice. He's still high on adrenaline and is on high alert, just incase one of Dirty's goons tracked them back to the house.

"It's just Dale, remember?" Andy says before pushing himself off the wall and walking towards the door. Dean nods, sort of embarrassed that he forgot other people lived here. "I'll go talk to her and make sure she doesn't come in here. She'd freak if she saw him." Andy motions his head towards Pete.

"Good idea," Sam nods.

Andy softly nods back before exiting the bedroom completely, quietly shutting the door on his way out.

Patrick makes a strangled noise once the door shuts. Sam and Dean raise an eyebrow, questioning what that noise was for. Before they could say anything, Patrick gets off the bed and walks to the door.

"I'll be right back," He says to them. Sam shoots him a questioning look in which Patrick responds with, "I'm just getting a drink. I'm fine." He exists the room without a response and shuts the door.

"What's up with him?" Dean asks, sounding rhetorical, but targeting Joe for an answer.

"Honestly," Joe sighs, "I don't really know." He shakes his head, looking forlorn at his unconscious band member.

"He seems more upset and emotional about this whole ordeal," Sam wonders. "Not saying you and Andy aren't, but he's just..."

"I understand what you're saying," Joe nods. "They're the closest out of us four and seeing him like this-" He motions to Pete. "Is bringing back some deep memories."

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