The (After) Life Of The Party

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"Well, a couple of hometown friends and I had been drinking and hanging out back stage after the Chicago show. I, for some reason, had thought it would be a good idea to run out of the venue and have some fun outside," Pete acts like what he said was funny and chuckles which causes Stacy to laugh along too. "Unfortunately, I was too intoxicated to know exactly where I was, so I was kinda roaming back alleyways and streets doing— I honestly have no idea," He laughs.

"That must've been dangerous, right? Roaming around the dark streets of Chicago at night, not knowing what you were doing?" She asks in a shocked and almost concerned tone.

"Oh it was, trust me." Pete nods, a little bit of exasperation in his voice. "Even though I was drunk, it was still pretty scary being out there by myself and not knowing where I was. It felt almost like a movie: roaming the streets alone at night and feeling like someone or something was gonna jump out and get you— it freaked me the fuck out."

"I'm sure living in a horror movie is different than watching one, am I right?" Stacy laughs.

"Totally," Pete nods, "Watching The Conjuring is completely different than living in The Conjuring house."

"Yes, exactly." She smiles at the bassist before turning to the other band members. "And how was it for you guys? I'm sure it must've been scary not knowing where your band mate was."

"It was pretty freaking scary," Patrick ends up speaking into his microphone. "When he left we were all like, "He'll turn up eventually," but after twenty minutes of looking around for him and realizing that he didn't have his phone because he dropped it outside of the venue, it was like "Oh shit, he's actually missing"," Patrick laughs which causes the entire room to burst into laughter.

Once everyone calms down, Stacy regains her composure and speaks first into her microphone. "So, how did you find your way back to them, Pete? Or did they find you?"

"They actually found me. Apparently my drunk self decided that it would be a good idea to crash behind some old apartment building almost on the other side of the city," He fake chuckles again, "And not only did I sleep there, but I slept there for almost fifteen hours which is insane. It wasn't until they found me and woke me up from my slumber that I realized where I was and what happened."

"And nothing happened to you while you were asleep?" Stacy asks in disbelief.

"Surprisingly, no. I didn't get mugged, stabbed, or kidnapped so that was pretty nice," Pete smiles again and nods. He shoots the rest of the band an anxious look that says, "I hope I did alright." The band gets this message and give him subtle encouraging looks that try to say, "You did great."

"I'm really glad that you're okay, Pete," The interviewer says with sympathy.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." Pete nods, "And although it was scary, it's a pretty funny story to tell people when they want to talk about a crazy night."

"Good point! You should add like... crazy details, or something to shock people and make the story almost unbelievable," Stacy says excitingly whilst laughing really hard.

"I should!" Pete chuckles, "Just be like: "Yeah I was kidnapped by these crazy people who turned out to be vampires, but they let me go cause they hated me, or something like that." The bassist continues to laugh while his other band mates side-eye him with a subtle look of shock on their faces.

"Did he really just say that?!" They all wonder as they watch Pete have no second thought about what he just said.

Luckily, Stacy doesn't pick up on this and continues to laugh at how seemingly unrealistic his "made up" scenario was.

"Oh gosh, that would be one heck of a story," She says in between breathes of laughter. "Hopefully something like that doesn't happen while you guys are on tour next month."

"One can only hope so," Pete nods and continues to smile at the interviewer.

The rest of the interview goes seemingly well once the conversation switches over to tour related things and those basic questions that make fans want to tear their hair out since they already know the answers. But nonetheless, it goes well, and the boys leave the studio feeling relieved that it was over.

But one thing stuck with them as they go back home and mentally prepare for more interviews and the all-mighty tour coming up:

Hopefully they can leave all this supernatural business behind and have nothing happen to them on tour....... Right?



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