Chapter Seven: Now What?

Start from the beginning

So here it goes, "The thing you didn't list, something far more likely than any of those."

"And what would that be?" he replies forcing me to have to say it out loud instead.

"Get pregnant." I say so quietly in the already quiet house. The sentence making this all feel more real and it scares me.

"Please tell me you're joking? How?" he questions just like I thought he would.

"Sex. How else?" I answer not able to stop myself from laughing at his dumb question.

"Aiden this isn't funny." he says.

"I never said it was. Besides what all of you told me is only half true because I'm pretty sure I didn't get pregnant from some stupid kiss." I tell him only to get a more questioning look.

"Aiden, didn't your dads tell you not to? Didn't I tell you enough not to?" he questions.

"Yeah but-" I start to say before he cuts me off.

"But? There shouldn't be a but Aiden. Have you told your dad?"he asks. I bite my lower lip a bit.

"No, I wanted to tell you first. Maybe get you to tell them for me so there not that mad."

"Aiden you know it's not going to matter. They're going to be upset either way, you're only fifteen." he reminds me.

"And so was my dad when he had Charlotte." I retort.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean he wanted you to do the same thing. Just, come with me." he says as he starts walking down the hallway.

"Come with you where?" I ask following behind him as he leads me through a door that leads to a downstairs area I never knew existed. Probably because I never had to come down here until now. And as I look around that's why exactly the reason why. This room is like a hospital room with everything you could need to deliver a baby or anything.

"Here, so I can confirm it and make sure everything's okay." he says.

"I don't think we really have to do that. I already know." I reply.

"Well I'd like to make sure, it's my responsiblity. Do you know how many weeks you might be?" he asks and I have no idea how to answer that.

"Um no. Should I?" I finally answer feeling gulity for not knowing.

"Lay back on the bed and lift your shirt then. It'll probably just be easier estimating by the fetus' size." I do as he says walking over to the bed that is right in front of me beside it to my right is what I assume is an ultrasound machine.

"This is so not what I planned to be doing this year or ever." I mumble lifting my shirt and looking away as he squeezes that weird gel stuff on my stomach and starts rubbing it in with that stick thing.

"Well maybe you should have listened and you wouldn't have had to be here." is all he says.

"Yeah I know just get this over with." I reply not in the mood to be told what I already know.

"Aiden it doesn't work that way. Do you think just because I'm giving you an ultrasound and tell you what you already know everything's going to be fine?" he replies not taking the hint that I don't want to talk.

"It isn't like it can get any worse." I say.

"Tell me the truth?"

"The truth about what?" I ask confused.

"How long have you known?" his question forcing me to think back, trying to remember but I honestly can't.

"Not that long." I lie.

"I don't think you're telling the truth." he says.

"Okay maybe a few weeks." I reply still lying.

"Eighteen weeks isn't a few weeks Aiden." he replies.

"What? I can't be." I say in disbelief. How could I be? I'm eighteen weeks pregnant already? I thought maybe like six or seven. Okay I was probably being delusional to think that.

"That isn't really the shocking thing I'm about to tell you though Aiden." he says.

"Oh yeah? Then what is it? I'm pregnant with twins?" I joke.

"Yes." he replies and I immediately turn to look at him and then the picture of the baby on the screen in my stomach. One of the two inside me that I can't believe are there.


Four hours later...


"He's what?" I hear Travis ask just as shocked as I am. I just stand there not able to say a word because I don't know what I should say. I wasn't expecting to hear this right now not when I was hoping there was another reason he's been so distant.

"He's eighteen weeks pregnant with twins. A boy and girl to be exact." Ryan repeats.

"Surprise." Aiden says, acting like this funny when it's not.

"Aiden!" I yell finally losing my temper.

"What? It isn't like I was trying to get pregnant it just happened. You know what it's like right?" he replies standing there with a smile on his face.

"No, I don't Aiden." I reply back.

"Maybe I should go to my room." he says the smile wiped off his face now realizing how serious this is.

"Yeah I think you should and stay there." I agree and watch as he walks to his room.

"Are you sure?" Travis asks as soon as the door is shut.

"Yeah I'm positive. It didn't help that Razor was a twin." Ryan says.

"Faternal twins and what does that have to do with anything?" I quickly reply.

"I know and under regular circumstances that doesn't mean anything but this is different. Faternal twins or identical are increased when there is already twins in the family.Your dad had your sister and you, it skipped a generation and now Aiden is pregnant with twins." he explains not making this sound any better.

"I wish we would have known that before and had Aiden homeschooled so we could have prevented this." Travis says more to himself out loud than anyone else I think.

"Travis, it's too late for that it already happened. We just, we have to deal with it. Make sure we're there for him and not have anyone find out. Did he tell you who?" I say looking at Ryan for a name.

"No, but I'm guessing someone at school he hasn't talked to in a while. I don't think anyone knows so it's fine." he says.

"Okay so we'll just take him out of school and-" I say to Travis when he interrupts me.

"Razor, we payed for it already and there's only three more months."

"So what do you think we should do?" I ask him.

"Just let him finish the rest of this year off. After that have him homeschooled and get ready for the babies I guess."is his answer.

"Okay." I agree with him because three more months isn't going to do anything. The school year is almost over so it only makes sense. There's nothing to worry about. Is there?

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