Chapter Four: Learning the Truth

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One week later...

I've spent the past week trying my best to avoid Lukas at school as much as I can. He said he didn't want me in his life anymore so that's exactly what I'm doing. As much as I want to try and talk to him again I know I shouldn't. He didn't believe me the first time I tried to apologize and tell him I'm pregnant. I know if I tried again he would probably tell the principle I'm harassing him and everyone would think I'm crazy. I already know I'm crazy and how impossible this is but it's true. There is no other explanation for any of this that I know of.

I know I should probably tell someone and I want to but I don't know how or who. How can I just simply say I'm pregnant to someone and not have them look at me as if I'm crazy? Lukas thought I was going crazy so I can only imagine how other people would react, especially my dad. My dad always laughed when my mom told stories to Haley and I about kissing leading to pregnancy. I can only imagine what he would think of his own son actually believing he was pregnant.

I can't tell anyone it's that simple and it scares me every passing day that I know it's not going to just go away. I wish every night before I go to sleep that I will wake up and it will all go away but it doesn't. I wish Lukas never even kissed me because none of this would have ever happened. At least I know what kind of person Lukas is now. He's a person that will be there for you whenever you need him but once you tell him something he doesn't want to hear he won't speak to you. Not a very good friend like I thought he was I guess.

"Hey," Travis says standing next to the table I'm sitting at outside the cafeteria.

"Hey," I reply dryly.

"So why are you sitting outside all alone?" he asks taking a sit across from me.

"I just felt like being alone." I answer wishing he would just leave me alone.

"Every day this week?" he asks raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, why is there something wrong with that?" I reply getting annoyed already.

"No, but I can tell something has been on your mind. You know you can talk to me Razor." he says as he looks into my eyes.

I look away and answer, "Nothing is wrong I just felt like spending time by myself that's all. Is there a crime against that?"

"No, but will you tell me what's on your mind?" he replies.

"Will you leave me alone if I do?" I say getting aggravated at his pestering.

"Yeah, then it's decided then I'll meet you after class and we can go to my place. My parents won't be home anyway they have something to do so you don't have to worry about them listening in. Well I got to go see you after school Razor." he says as the bell rings for lunch to be over leaving before I have a chance to say no.

Great now I have to go to Travis's house after school, instead of going home and lying down and sleeping all weekend like I originally planned. It isn't like I hate spending time with Travis I just don't want to answer his million unnecessary questions right now. Especially when I'm not in the mood and I just want to go home and go to sleep. Sleep, that's about all I want to do lately because it never seems like I have enough. Knowing Travis he will probably be right outside my class as soon as the bell rings waiting for me so there isn't any way out.

I get up from the bench getting my garbage from the table and throwing it in the trash nearby. Last period, how I wish I was home already. I walk towards the school building past other kids hurrying to their classes like they can't wait to learn whatever subject they have next. Well I rather not hurry because I'm not in a huge rush to learn geometry right now when the teacher hates me. What can I say I'm not a straight A student.

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