Chapter Two: The Aftermath

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Three months later...

I lift my head up from the toilet with my stomach still queasy from losing the breakfast I just ate a few minutes ago. "Razor are you okay?" I hear Haley ask through the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I yell back as I flush the toilet and get up from the bathroom floor that I seem to have become best friends with.

"Okay, well hurry up I have to finish getting ready for school and you're in the only bathroom." she says trying to sound caring but she really sounds irritated that I'm using her bathroom time in the morning.

"I have to brush my teeth hold on." I yell as I grab my toothbrush from the medicine cabinet squeezing the toothpaste on.

As I brush my teeth I realize I have been spending more time in the bathroom then I used to. Most of the times it is from not being able to hold my food in for very long like this morning. I don't know why when I never used to have this problem before until recently. It's been like this for several weeks but it's probably nothing though just a stomach bug or something. What do I know maybe I'm not eating healthy or it's from my dad's bad cooking? I do know it's not something to dwell on, since when is feeling nauseous something to worry about?

I finish brushing my teeth and open the door seeing an irritated Haley just as I suspected. "Took you long enough." she says rushing passed me.

"Sorry I didn't know I was on a timed schedule." I reply.

"No, but as much as you use the bathroom lately you should be." she says before looking into the mirror and disappearing into her own world like girls usually do when they do their hair and makeup. I don't understand how girls can spend so much time looking at themselves as they get ready. Actually I don't want to know why they do because it's not important. All I know is whoever I do end up with I really hope doesn't spend hours getting ready.

I walk into the living room grabbing my backpack on the couch and putting it on over my shoulders. "Dad I'm leaving for school is it okay if I go to Travis's after?" I shout for my dad to hear from the kitchen.

Instead of shouting back like he always does he actually takes the time to walk out to the living room. "What did you say I couldn't hear you?"

"I'm leaving and I wanted to know if I can go to Travis's after school, so can I?" I ask.

"I don't think you should go I thought you weren't feeling good. Maybe it's best if you stay home from school today." He says genuinely concerned like a parent should be.

"I'll be fine I don't even feel that sick anymore. You don't have to worry I won't kiss anyone and get them sick if that's what you're worried about." I say getting a kick from the expression on his face.

"What?" he asks in a somewhat high pitched tone

"I'm fine dad nothing is wrong with me. I'll see you at seven bye." I reply rushing out of the front door before he can answer. Sometimes my dad worries too much when he doesn't even have to. I think it has to do with him raising us by himself without our mom around. He took over her role too after she died and has been trying to do his best on his own but I know it's still hard.

She's been gone for two years now and I know I'm still not over it. It feels like yesterday she was still alive and we were a happy family. I'm not saying we aren't a happy family now but it just isn't the same without her. My mom made everything better and knew exactly what to do at any moment. My dad, well he tries but he can never replace her which is probably why he doesn't date. Thinking about her brings back so many memories it pains me to remember. I try not to think about her but its hard not to. She was the one with all the answers and the person that taught me so much but she's not here anymore and isn't coming back.

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