Chapter One: The Party and the Kiss

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Three Years Later...

When I was a little boy my mom told my twin sister and I to never kiss someone before we turned eighteen because if we did we would become pregnant. My jaw dropped opened wide with such shock when she said this learning that was how babies were created. I was fascinated and frighten both at the same time. I told myself I would never kiss anybody as long as I lived. I wouldn't even let my mom kiss me goodnight for a week because I was so scared. I did finally let her once she explained it didn't happen that way.



She sat me on my bed in the small room I shared with my sister at the time and looked at me with her sky blue eyes and reassured me I wouldn't become pregnant by her kiss. She said it would only happen if another boy kissed me. I made a face and laughed at the thought of another boy kissing me. "Eww that's gross mommy, why would I kiss another boy?" I remember asking her.

She looked at me giving a faint smile before she said, "Razor, you might think it's gross but you never know who you might fall in love with."

The discussion ended there as my sister Haley walked inside and our mom said it was time for bed. She tucked us into bed and kissed us goodnight. As she walked out of the room I whispered to my sister as she lay in the bed next to mine, "Do you think mommy is telling the truth?" I asked so quiet I wasn't even sure she heard me.

Haley moved her head trying to look at me in the dark but I could barely make out her facial expressions. I could only tell by the way she spoke she heard me and took everything our mother said seriously. "Of course she's telling the truth Razor which is why I'm never kissing anyone until I meet my prince charming." she said.


Ten years have passed since our mom scared us into fearing our first kiss. Convincing us we would end up pregnant by one simple kiss. I realize now how dumb and gullible I was back then to believe such a foolish made up lie but I was five at the time. Haley believed it as much as I did and everything else our mother told us when we were little.

I know now that it is highly impossible for someone to become pregnant by kissing. Pregnancy only happens when two people have sex together and the sperm meets the egg. We learned all about where babies really come from in health class and nothing my mom said was true. Besides what my mom said doesn't make sense how could I possibly have a baby let alone get pregnant?

I was born a boy and not a girl born with millions of eggs. Guys can't have children like girls can because we have a different reproductive system it would never work out. I know scientist research and experiment on new things all the time but I'm positive making it possible for males to have kids is the last thing on their to do list if it is at all.

As a kid growing up being taught by my mother about babies and stuff I didn't believe the teachers at first when we first started learning about the reproductive systems and such in fifth grade. I thought they didn't know what they were talking about and I wanted to correct them. I didn't of course keeping what my mom told us to myself and as the years went by I learned more. I figured out nothing my mom told us about kissing is true. I always wanted to ask her why she would want to scare us about kissing like that when we were kids but I never got the chance. She died in a car accident the summer Haley and I turned thirteen leaving us with our dad to raise us by himself.

Now two years later I'm fifteen and still haven't gotten my first kiss or even been in a relationship for that matter. Yet my sister has already had a few boyfriends and gotten kissed plenty of times. After all these years of knowing I shouldn't be scared of kissing I've continued to be but not tonight. I'm going with my best friend on a Saturday night to the party at Travis Prescott's house, a place where most of the people I know from school are going to be tonight.

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