Chapter Five: The Baby and a Happy Ending

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Two months later...

I wake up feeling a sharp pain, something I know I shouldn't be feeling now. It's too early I'm still a few weeks away from the baby being born. I get up from the bed walking out of my room to my dad's when I feel it again. I lean against the wall waiting for the pain to stop. "Dad!" I yell out loud hoping he hears me and wakes up.

Not a minute later I see Haley rushing out of her bedroom along with my dad coming out of his room a few seconds later. "What's wrong?" he asks still half sleep.

"It hurts like really bad right now." I reply as I feel another sharp pain.

"Okay I'll call Doctor Brooke right now. Haley please help your brother to the couch. Don't worry Razor everything will be okay." he says.

"That's really funny I don't know how you can say that right now when I'm the one in pain." I reply.

"Just whatever you do don't push just breathe." he says before going to the kitchen.

"Oh thanks dad for reminding me when I've been trying to forget about what's going to happen when I have the baby." I shout back at him.

"You don't have to be mean Razor." Haley says helping me to the living room.

"I'm not being mean I'm in fucking pain Haley! Do you not understand how much this hurts? Not just that but how much it's going to hurt when things change down there." I reply.

"Oh you're just being dramatic Razor." she says as I sit down on the couch trying to keep my mind off the contractions.

"Me being dramatic? How is me complaining about how bad it hurts being dramatic?" I ask getting annoyed at her thinking I'm just being dramatic when I'm not.

"Guys always complain more than they have to. They are just big babies that can't handle a little pain." she says.

"You can't talk you never been in labor have you? No, so don't tell me I'm just being dramatic." I say as she helps me put my shoes on.

"Haley will you please stop arguing with your brother and help me get him to the car? The baby is early and Doctor Brooke wants us to get there as soon as we can." he says walking over to the couch to help me up.

"Why is something wrong?" I ask.

"No, why would you ask that?" he replies.

"You just made it seem like something's wrong." I say trying not to worry.

"No, nothing's wrong she just wants to make sure everything is fine because you're delivering the baby a few weeks early. You have nothing to worry about Razor I promise." he says as we walk outside to the car.

I take a sit in the back with Haley next to me feeling the most excruciating pain somewhere I rather not feel pain. "Ohh it hurts so bad." I say almost wanting to cry as my dad starts the car and pulls out of the driveway.

"Where?" Haley asks.

"It feels like everything is ripping apart. I want it just to stop, make it stop!" I yell.

"What's wrong?" she asks looking at me confused and worried.

"Everything is adjusting so the baby can be delivered. I know it hurts a lot right now Razor but it won't for that much longer. After the baby is born it will stop hurting and everything will return back to normal. You just have to breathe through the pain right now. We'll be there soon." my dad says.



I get up out of my bed knowing its past my bedtime and I'm supposed to be asleep but I can't. I open the door of the bedroom seeing the light from the tv still on. I walk into the living room seeing my mom sitting next to my dad on the couch watching a movie.

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