Chapter Six: Returning Home

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A Plane Flight Later...

"Are you coming inside?" Ryan asks as we sit in the rental car in front of a two story house in the town I once grew up in.

"Yeah," I faintly reply not knowing what I should be expecting.

I get out of the car and follow behind Ryan slowly as we make our way to the front door. The house belongs to his mom who happens to be a doctor from what he has told me on the drive from the airport. Something Ryan said he has always wanted to be. It actually caught me by surprise that I never knew that. Or the fact he lived in the same town I did not far from where my parents live.

I mean come on how could I not know that? Really? Yes, he told me he lived in the same state but I never asked where. I didn't ask him why he decide to move or anything about his past. I only talked to him about normal every day things or about myself. God does that make me self centered? Do I really care only about myself that I didn't realize I know nothing about Ryan?

I liked him all this time yet I learn now I hardly know a thing about him unless you count meaningless small things like what's his favorite color or show on tv. But I don't know a single thing about his family or his friends he has back home. Or anything else that is important to him. I guess none of that matters anymore though. Since at the moment whatever we are being friends or something more is barely hanging on by a thread. Everything depending on what is about to happen right now.

I watch nervously as Ryan knocks at the door and I'm suddenly regretting coming here. Cursing myself for being dumb enough to actually come here. I mean this can't be real. Can it? It has to be a joke Ryan is playing on me and once the door opens Razor will appear.

Why didn't I just stay home and forget about him? I didn't have to say yes and get on the plane with him to come here. I could have said no and stayed home. I wouldn't have to be second guessing anything.

Then again I would probably have never forgave myself if I let Ryan walk out the door and I would never see him again. I would never get a real answer to what I have always wondered about.

Before I can turn around and leave like I wanted to seconds ago the door opens. A women who looks to be in her mid sixties is standing at the door. "Ryan it's so good to see you. I didn't know you were bringing a friend." she says reaching out to hug her son.

"Lukas coming along was a last minute decision. I hope you don't mind." is all he says returning the hug.

"No, that's fine. It's nice meeting you Lukas. Why don't the both of you come inside?" she replies opening the door wider to let us come in.

I walk inside behind Ryan feeling out of place in his mom's house "Does he know?" she asks as she shuts the door.

"Not really. I didn't get a chance to explain anything to him." Ryan answers.

"Everything we tell you please promise to keep to yourself. If the wrong people were to find out it would be bad for all of us. Which is why I don't understand why Ryan told you to begin with." she says giving Ryan a dirty look.

"I thought he had the right to know." he replies obviously annoyed by his mom's comment.

"Yes, he should know but that doesn't mean I trust him. He isn't like our kind to understand how complicated everything is." she responds.

"What's your kind?" I hear myself say out loud wishing I kept my mouth shut.

"Its complicated to understand but I'll explain it to you the best I can." she says continuing to go on explaining things I never thought were possible before.

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