Chapter One: First Impressions

Start from the beginning

"Okay I'll be there at one tomorrow. See you then." he says.

"Okay," I say before ending the call relieved he didn't ask tons questions about the apartment over the phone like other people have. I mean come on why do people feel the need to ask so much on the phone when they can just come and see the place for themselves? I'm not the best describer on the phone when it comes to things like this anyway. It's a two bedroom apartment not much to describe over the phone. It's pretty nice for my first apartment I have to admit.

A big cozy living room on the right as you enter the front door that has a descend size flat screen tv, a grey couch sits only feet away, a coffee table in front, bookshelves on both sides of the tv stand that contain a collection of books I've gotten over the years along with movies, a computer desk where my laptop rests along with a chair against the wall. A washer and dryer can be found in the closet to the left where you walk in. A kitchen with plenty of room past the closet with an opening in the middle to look into the living room, granite counter tops with dark wooden cabinets up above. Against the wall farther to the left is a table to sit at to eat that sits four. Then there are two bedrooms in the hallway. The master bedroom is to the right which belongs to me and there is another bedroom to the left. There are bathrooms in both rooms which is nice not having to share.

It's a pretty good place except for the fact that I live in an apartment complex and have to walk up the stairs to get to the third floor when the elevator is out of order. Don't ask me about the other people that live here because I don't know anything about them. A great place but lonely when you have no roommate to talk to when I have a two bedroom apartment to myself. This is why tomorrow at one I hope this Ryan isn't that bad or judgmental about me being gay because I need someone to keep me company.


The next day...

I look at my phone checking the time for the hundredth time today. It's already 12:55 and I just want to get this over with already. How much longer do I have to wait until he arrives? I'm not in the mood to sit around waiting for him even though I know already he isn't late yet I'm just being impatient like I always am. Just as I think about calling him I hear a knock at the door.

I walk over to the door sliding my phone back into my pocket hoping more than anything he's better than the last guy I let see the room. I open the door seeing a guy standing in front of me with the most beautiful sea blue eyes I've ever seen with dark black hair. A crimson smile on his face making me want to blush. He looks older than I thought on the phone probably in his late twenties but everything about him seems perfect. Age is but a number right?

"Uh come in," I finally force myself to say turning and looking away so he won't see me blush. God I'm so stupid sometimes I was practically drooling as I was looking at him. Come on Lukas he's here to look at the room not to go out with you.

"Thanks for letting me see the place today. I was a little nervous when I called thinking you probably found someone already since it was posted two weeks ago." he says closing the door behind him

"No, it's still available." I say not going to admit the reason why it's still available is because I've been picky about finding a new roommate.

"Well that's better for me since I'm definitely interested. I get access to the kitchen and living room right?" he says as he walks inside looking around.

"Yeah and you get your own bedroom and bathroom. Cable and internet is included too. Do you want to check out the room?" I reply as I think to myself that he's definitely my type.

"Sure but I think I'm pretty sure I want it," he says.

"We split the rent." I say trying to distract myself from looking at him even more and saying something I might regret.

"That's no problem I can afford it I start my new job on Monday and can pay for the rest of this month remaining to move in tomorrow that's if you say I can have it. You don't have to worry I'm not loud or going to bring people over. To be truthful you're the first person I've talked to since I moved here." he says as we stop in front of the bedroom and I open the door for him to look inside.

"Where are you from?" I ask curious to find out more about him.

"Iowa, I finally decided to leave and move here." he says taking a brief look at the room then his eyes returning to me.

"That's where I used to live until I moved away about two and a half years ago." I say glad that I left and moved to California.

"Really? Well maybe that's why I was destined to find you. We have things in common already?" he replies.

"I guess so. So how about tomorrow you move in and I'll give you the key?" I say hoping I don't regret this.

"Tomorrow it is I'll see you then and thanks by the way." he says with a smile as he starts walking to leave.

"You're welcome thanks for finally letting me not have to look for a roommate anymore." I say wishing I came up with something better to say.

"That wasn't what I was talking about but thanks for this too." he says giving me a bigger smile as he turns around making me confused.

"What were you talking about?" I ask.

"For you not hitting on me. See you tomorrow and just so you know I'm single." he says walking out the door leaving me frozen as I'm left standing there by the door shocked at what he just said.

Is he that into himself to think everyone will hit on him or was it that obvious I was checking him out? Whatever it was now I feel completely embarrassed and to make it worse I'm going to have to be living with him.

"I can't have him he'll probably just end up hurting me like the others." I tell myself out loud knowing it's probably the truth.

I really wish I could though because he's probably good in bed. I guess I'm just going to have to dream about being with him because I know sleeping with my new roommate I hardly know probably isn't a good idea.

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