A Day in the Slammer

Start from the beginning

"The only reason I took the staffs was to save my son." I looked at the camera. "He was very sick and it was the only way to cure him. I was going to return the staffs as soon as my son was well again."

"Save it for the judge four arms!" One the officers said pushing me to my knees.

"Lloyd, I'm sorry." I looked into the camera one last time before the officers shoved me inside.

The officers escorted me to a cell and shoved me inside, forcing me to the ground. They closed the bars behind me and locked the doors.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be back to give you your phone call in a few minutes." The officer said.

I stood up still very dizzy from the dart.

"Well well, looks like I have a new roommate." I heard someone in the corner say. She showed her face and I recognized her.

"So you were the one who turned me in? I figured you would be behind this after everything you put my son and grandson through." I said.

"Oh so you do you know." Harumi moved closer to me. "How is my little boy?"

"Happy, now that he's far away from you." I snarled.

"And what about Lloyd? Did he ever recover from his 'illness'?"

"You know what you did! You're lucky I remembered what the antidote was to help him."

"Actually you weren't part of my plan until I overheard you talking to Pythor about how you were trying to find the staffs. I took it as an opportunity to find out where you lived. Then once I heard the cops were on the on the lookout for the thief, I gave them the tip."

"And you think that me being here will lure Lloyd here?"

"Exactly." She laughed. "Everything is falling right into place."

The guard came back and gave me his phone. "You get one phone call, make it count. You only have five minutes until you lose the signal."

I decided to call Lloyd and let him know what was going on.

"Hello?" Lloyd said into the phone.

"Hi son." I said.

"Dad, I saw the news. Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now listen carefully because I only get one phone call." I said quickly. "Harumi is the one that turned me in. This was all a part of her plan to get me to help her."

"Why am I not surprised." He sighed. "Be careful Dad, she's a tricky one. And whatever you do, don't let her find out about the..."

"I know, your secret is safe with me." I assured him. "I won't let her get in my head."

"Yeah that's what I said about her too, and look how that turned out." He warned. "Just hang on Dad I'll find someway to get you out of there."

"There is nothing you can do son. If you come here, you'll be falling right into her trap."

"Then what do I do? I promised you wouldn't be sent back to prison and I've already broken too many promises, I can't brake another one."

"I will be fine son. Don't worry, I think I can handle myself in prison." I said.

"Dad that's not what I'm..."

The call was cut off before he could finish. I handed the phone back to the warden and he left.

"That was sweet of you to warn him." Harumi said sarcastically. "It won't make a difference though, he'll still come."

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