The Wedding Part 2: Changes

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Kira's P.O.V:

One month later...

Lloyd and I were getting married in four days and there was still so much to do before the wedding. I had just been so busy with work and planning the wedding that I was worried that everything wasn't gonna be ready in time. I hadn't slept or eaten very much in the past few days and I was also getting lightheaded a lot and I had a cold that I was hoping would go away by the time of the wedding. I know what you're thinking, but my healing powers don't work on myself, and due to my condition I can barely get them to work period. It was interfering with my job at the hospital too so I really needed to get better and soon.

I was living with Lloyd and Ryder, so we could get a head start on things so I was also in the process of moving all my stuff into the newly rebuilt monastery. It was all very stressful but I knew once the wedding was over, it would be worth it. Then I would get to spend the rest of my life with my two favorite boys in the whole world, Lloyd and Ryder.

I was sitting in the dining room going over the last minute wedding plans. I would usually have my best friend and maid of honor Nya here to help me, but she was so booked with her babysitting service, she didn't have time today. There was still so much work to do before the wedding and so little time.

"Hey Kira." Lloyd walked in on me. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." I lied.

I know I shouldn't lie to my fiancé, but I don't want to worry about me. He was just as worried about the wedding as I was.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Lloyd asked. "I can work on the wedding plans for you if you wanna go lie down for a bit."

"You're too sweet, but I can handle it." I smiled.

"You haven't slept in three days, please get some rest." Lloyd insisted.

"But what if we don't have everything ready by Sunday? What if the caterers don't show up? What if the flowers aren't right? What if..."

"Kira honey calm down." Lloyd cut me off and started massaging my shoulders. "It doesn't matter if things don't go as planned, what's important is that we love each other and that we get to spend the rest of our lives together."

"You're right." I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I know I'm overreacting about this, but I just wanna make sure that everything goes perfectly."

"It will." He kissed me on the cheek. (He knew my sickness wasn't contagious.) "Now come on, it's your day off. You should get some rest."

"Ok you're right." I said as I stood up from the desk.

As I stood up I suddenly got a major headache. I felt my all the strength I had left leave my body and I fainted on the ground...

"Kira? Kira wake up." I heard Lloyd's voice.

"Lloyd?" I said as I sat up.

"Ok, that's it. I need to take you to the hospital." Lloyd insisted.

I didn't want to go to the hospital, but as a nurse myself I knew that it was best so I looked at Lloyd and I nodded. Then he helped me onto his dragon, and after we dropped Ryder off at Lloyd's mother's place, he took me to the hospital.

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