The Babysitting Job

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Jay's P.O.V.:

Lloyd had just dropped his son off at our house, meaning that Nya had to watch Jax, Lily, Amber, Blake, Allison and Ryder. This was nothing new for us, Nya basically ran a babysitting service and she was so good with kids.

Nya and I love our kids and we wanted more, but I had a low chance of having children in the first place. It was a miracle that Nya got pregnant at all, and we were even more lucky when we found out they were twins. Those two were the best things that ever happened to us and we loved them.

Nya was playing with all the kids and I was talking with Cole and Seliel. Of course I offered to help Nya, but she said she didn't need it.

"So when are you guys heading back?" I asked Cole and Seliel.

"Well my father wants me back there tomorrow, but I don't know if I want to go back." Seliel looked at Allison and the other kids playing with Nya.

"What do you mean?" Cole asked putting his arm around his wife.

"I mean about Allison." She said to him. "When we go back, she'll will be miserable again just like she was before."

"But what about your dad?" I asked.

"I don't know, but maybe we should consider what's best for her." Seliel sighed.

"Are you insisting that we don't go back?" Cole asked.

"I don't know what to do, but I do know that I don't want Allison to be sad all the time when we aren't there for her."

"I don't want that either." Cole agreed. "Relax, I promise when we get back I'll figure out a way to make sure she gets more time with us."

"Thanks." She sighed.

"I think I'll go check on Nya." I excused myself.

I went into the play room and saw Nya playing with the kids. The kids looked happy but Nya looked tired. More tired than usual. I was really worried about her.

"How are you doing honey?" I said peaking my head into the room.

"Oh we're doing fine thanks." Nya said before she yawned. Her voice sounded a little horse.

"You look a little tired, do you want me to make some tea for you?" I offered.

"Sure thanks." She smiled. And then she sneezed. "Achoo!"

"Bless you." All of the kids and me said at once.

"Thanks." She wiped her nose on her sleeve.

"Nya are you feeling ok?" I asked as I walked up to her and placed a hand on her forehead. It didn't feel warm or anything, but Nya looked so tired. "Well it's not a fever but you should really go lie down for a bit. I would hate for the kids to get sick."

"But who's gonna watch them?" Nya asked.

"I'll do it, and I can get Cole and Seliel to help too." I answered.

"Jay it's fine, I'm ok." She said right before she coughed.

"Nya you need to rest!" I told her. "We can handle it."

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