"Why not?"

"Because. It's Jesse."

Jinyoung bristled. He knew something was wrong with that guy. "What? You can't let your boyfriend control who you hang out with. Yugyeom's your best friend!"

BamBam didn't say anything. 

"Why are you listening to him?" Jinyoung asked. 

"He didn't tell me to stay away from Yugyeom," BamBam said quietly. "I chose to do that."

Jinyoung didn't know what to say. "Why? What the hell?"

BamBam sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "He just makes shit too complicated." Jinyoung waited for him to elaborate. "I like Jesse. I want to continue dating him. And Yugyeom... he makes that difficult."

Jinyoung was confused. Wait. "Do you... like Yugyeom?"

BamBam laughed heavily. "Isn't it obvious?" His expression was pained. "Whenever you guys talk about us being a couple, Yugyeom gets all touchy. He obviously doesn't like me like that."

Jinyoung frowned. All of that teasing probably hurt BamBam. "Is that why you're dating Jesse?"

"Kind of? He liked me, and Yugyeom wasn't an option, and he was nice, so I figured why not. And I like him a lot too."

Jinyoung nodded in understanding. "But you still shouldn't distance yourself from Yugyeom. He really loves you."

"I know," BamBam said. "But I seriously can't stand to be near him when he doesn't like me back. It hurts too much."

Jinyoung understood that too. He honestly didn't know what to tell BamBam. So he just didn't say anything. 

BamBam stayed over for another hour, and they didn't talk about the situation at all. They ordered some pizza, Jackson coming out of his room to snatch a slice before leaving again. Jinyoung chuckled. He normally would have been hanging out with them, but he had stayed up all night on his phone, so he was taking lots of naps. 

Jinyoung said goodbye to BamBam and then went into Jackson's room finding him snuggled up in his blankets. He smiled at the sight. 

He climbed into bed next to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him. He was content to fall asleep as well. All of this drama was tiring him out. 

"You seem tense," Jackson said, low and raspy. Oops. Jinyoung hadn't meant to wake him up. Jinyoung hummed against his back and snuggled closer. 

They stayed like that for a while before Jackson flipped over to face Jinyoung. "You okay?"

"Yeah. It's just BamBam and Yugyeom again."

"I know." Jackson smirked. "I heard your guys' conversation."

Jinyoung hit him on the shoulder. This just made Jackson's smile grow wider. "You were going to tell me anyway." Jinyoung couldn't argue with that.

Jinyoung took his phone out of his pocket and texted Mark a message saying "come over. in jackson's room" before closing his eyes and letting sleep wash over him. 

He vaguely heard Mark enter the room and snuggle up on the opposite side of his body. He subconsciously smiled but then was taken back under by sleep.  

Him and Jackson were woken up half an hour later by Mark kissing their cheeks. "Ya'll probably have homework and I know you haven't done it yet so you should probably stop sleeping."

Jackson groaned and then hissed at Mark, "You try getting zero hours of sleep and then having to go to school."

"Who's fault is that?" Jinyoung asked. He couldn't help chiming in to tease Jackson. He just grumbled and sat up, his hair going in all directions and a red crease line across his cheek.

"Aww, look at our baby," Mark cooed. Jinyoung pinched his cheek. 

"Fuck off," he mumbled and then went to the bathroom. Mark and Jinyoung giggled. He came back out in the exact same state, if not worse.

"Stop staying up all night, it's not healthy," Mark said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I need caffeine." He walked out of the room and grabbed all of them a redbull. He then sat and pouted as he sipped on the drink. Jinyoung thought it was adorable how grumpy he got when he was tired. Usually he's a lot meaner, too, but not as much today.

Once the redbull kicked in, Jackson was closer to his normal self. "You were being such a brat," Mark teased. Jackson laughed and poked his side. 

Jinyoung noticed a flash of pain across Mark's face before it quickly went away. Jackson noticed too. They sat in silence before Jinyoung said, "How's your family?"

Mark knew he didn't mean how they were doing, but how they were acting towards Mark. "I don't think my dad remembers I have boyfriends. It's fine."

Jinyoung wasn't convinced. "How are your bruises?" Jackson asked. 

"They're fine. I'm fine, remember?"

Jinyoung sighed. He still didn't know what to do about that situation. But Mark still didn't want to talk about it, and he had to respect that. 

Mark stayed the night, and none of them ended up doing their homework despite what he had said. It didn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things anyway. At least that's what Jinyoung thought. He'd just do it tomorrow morning. 

A/N: I kind of hate how this story is. the energy now doesn't match the energy at the beginning of the story, and nothing correlates together like ugh. but I'm not gonna stop writing it though hahaha

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