He was transported away a couple feet, viewing the scene that could've been. But replaced with you, looking with fearful eyes at him, tears pouring down your face. before the earth renching SNAP!

"Ow..." Your voice quietly called, sitting up on the floor. Bakugo had shot up so quickly, it prctically sent you flying off the couch. Using his arms as support beams, he hunch over on the couch, hyperventalating, sweat pooring down and body visably shaking.

He had never felt like that before. Let alone for another person. His eyes were fixated down before shooting up to yours as you cautiously and curiously sat on the floor looking at him. "Bakugo? You alright?" You asked, he looked down at himself before jumping off the couch, running up stairs leaving you confused on the ground before you heard a unusaly loud bang.

In the bathroom, Bakugo was hunch over the sink taking some deep breaths. Ten million things rushing through his mind at once, 'What was that? Why did I think that? Why was it about her? What's going to happen to her? Why do I care about her? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HER?!' and many more.

As he was lot in thought a knock came from the door, snapping his head up towards it. "Bakugo, what's going on?" Your soothing voice asked from the other side of the door. 'I don't need help... I never needed any fucking help from any one! I NEED HER OUT OF MY HEAD! but she won't leave it... she never leaves it... WHY?!'

"Hey, whatever's going on, it's going to be okay..." You whispered to him, in an instant his head snapped to his side seeing you standing there with your hand on his back rubbing small circles on it.

In one swift movement he slapped your hand away, causing you to pout before rolling your eyes. Splashing water onto his face and arms, trying to get the explosive sweat off he tried to only concerntrate on that. "How did you get in here? I locked the door." he growled, he couldn't help but talk to you.

"I have my ways~~" you replied cheekily before stretching, looking closely at Bakugo's hands you saw he kept clenching them and releasing repeatively. "Do you want another massage?"

"No, do I look like a fucking whimp?" he growled, looking back at you while drying his hands. "I want answers."

This took you by suprise, you didn't know what he was trying to get out of you, or what asnwers he wanted until he continued with, "Know someone named Bethany?" Causing your eyes to grow wide as flash backs threw themselves into your vision.

"Who's Bethany?" You questioned after snapping out of it, this was a touchy subject for you to say the least.

"DON'T PLAY SMART-ASS WITH ME!!" he shouted, tensing up his muscles, "The look plain as day on your face, shows you know this brat."

With a defeated sigh, you closed the door behind you before walking next to him and plopping down on the floor, tapping the space next you. Rolling his eyes he sat down before you held out you hand, "I'll tell you, if you let me massage your hands Explosions."

Scoffing he flopped his hands into your grasp, his eyes fixated on yours. "Do you have a fucking hand fettish or something?"

Snorting you replied, "No, it's just calming." You weren't lying, his hands are so rough when it needs to be and soft at other times. But they're tense practically all the time. So you enjoy rubbing them, making him feel better even if he won't admit it. "Okay, so this is what happened-

When you were in middle school, at the age of 12. Three years before going to U.A, you and your friends; Rebecca, Marson, Ivy, Zoe and Bethany had started middle school,you were all really happy and such.

They knew what your quirk was, and they were the only people who actually wanted to be your friends. Caus even before the insident, some of the other kids thought you were a monster. And you hadn't even shown anyone your snakes, fearing to scare away your friends.

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