"Go have fun, lovebirds." Lana chimed in causing me to blush. 

"Oh we will," Sin replied winking back at Lana and my face got even more red. 

"Okay! Let's go!" I said changing the subject and pushing Sin out the door. 



Sin and I made it to our first destination, I assume only the first since yesterday's had three. We got out and I saw we were at another cute little diner. Sin knows my weakness for diners and he exploits it all the time. Not that I mind though. 

Sin and I lock arms and walk up to the entrance. "Are you ready?" He asked and I replied with a quick excited nod. 

He opened the door and we walked in. This diner was so cute. It took a more rustic style and I loved it. There was dark wooden booths with dark wooden stools, and the walls were brick. It was absolutely gorgeous. 

We went ahead and sat at the counter with the wooden stools vs our first date where we chose to sit in a booth in the back. A woman behind the counter came up and took our orders. I went ahead and got some fried eggs, toast, and some home fries. Sin got his usual breakfast delight consisting of waffles and eggs. 

"You know me well." I said with a smile. 

"That I do, but I want to know you better." He said, entangling our fingers across the table. 

"You wanna play the questions game again, don't you?" I asked. 

He smiled and nodded. 

"Well you know the rules, you first." I said and he rolled his eyes. 

"What's your dream job?" He asked and I didn't know how to answer. 

"Well, I've never been to school so I never really thought about it. My Dad did let me be home-schooled but I've never stepped foot into an actual school with students and teachers and stuff. So I really haven't given it any thought. I never thought I'd get out of the basement let alone have a career." I finished. 

"Well, try seeing that now. If you could do anything, what would you do?" He asked. 

"Honestly... I've really been enjoying training and I'd like to do what Theo does, teach others. So I guess like be a personal trainer. Ooh, maybe I could build my own business. I could run my own gym for wolves and be their trainer and train others to become trainers for me." My mind started running a million miles per hour thinking about all the things I could do. 

"That'd be great. I could see you being a trainer. Now it's your turn." He said.

"Hehe, thanks. Um, are you a morning person or night owl?" I asked. 

"I'm more of a morning person. As you can see I love breakfast and I feel better waking up early and having more time to get things done." He replied. 

"I'm a night owl. I don't like breakfast foods all too much and I think better when the suns down and the moons up." I smiled. 

"I can tell. You're always so rambunctious at night, well except for last night." Sin chuckled. 

"Hey, that's no fair! The beach wore me out, okay!?" I said and we both started laughing. 

"What does your dream house look like?" 

"Ooh, honestly I'd really like a decent sized house, with two stories, nice big windows, a wrap around deck and either surrounded by woods or off the beach. I'd like it to have a couple of big bedrooms for my family and I and have a couple of family areas like a den, playroom, man/woman cave." I said. 

"That sounds really nice, actually

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"That sounds really nice, actually." Sin said. "It sounds like you've really thought about it." He continued and I shyly looked away. 

"Yeah.. I've had a long time to think about it. I've always thought about my dream house and family." I said. 

"What are some fun facts about yourself?" I asked. 

"Well, I don't like pickles and-" Before Sin could continue I let out a loud gasp. 

"You don't like pickles!?" I whisper-yelled. 

"Nope. Never have. Never will." He said. 

"You're insane!" Sin chuckled at my shocked expression. 

"Anyway, I don't like pickles. I'm a loner, I prefer to get things done on my own. I'm a hopeless romantic, thanks to my mother. And I love baseball." Sin finished. 

"I'm still stuck on the whole not liking pickles thing." I said and Sin just laughed. 

Our waitress came back over and gave us our food. I asked her if she liked pickles and she too said no.

"What is wrong with you people!?" I asked. "You are missing out on the best parts of life!" I said. 

"Is this gonna be a problem, Bella?" Sin asked with a smile on his face. 

"Well... I guess I can work on getting over this pickle dilemma since you're so cute." I winked. 

We ate our food and continued our game of questions. Before I knew it, almost 3 hours had passed. Anytime I talk with Sin it feels like minutes but in reality it's hours. I can talk his ear off and never get bored. 

"This is all I planned for today, I wanted us to have a simple day where we could eat and get to know each other more, before our big night tomorrow." Sin said as he pulled out his wallet to pay for our meal. 

"Oh, really? What's tomorrow night?" I asked and he gave me the side-eye. 

"You're not spoiling the surprise, Bella." He replied. 

"Dammit. Well you better take me home, gimme some chocolate, and watch movies with me to make up for not spoiling the surprise." I said. 

Sin laughed and nodded his head. "Whatever you say, Babe." 

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