"Hello!" Harry greeted a man, whom I didn't recognize. "How're you?"

"Great. Who is this?" The man chirped.

"Oh, this is my girlfriend, Jade. Jade, this is Ben Winston. He's our video director for music videos."

We greeted each other and shook hands.

"Well, Simon is running a bit late." Ben said.

"Oh okay. I was texting with the boys. Niall said that he's almost here, along with Zayn and Liam. Louis was saying that he might be a few minutes late."

"Okay," Ben nodded.

"So what do we do until then?" Harry asked, discreetly twining his fingers with mine. I felt a smile form on my lips.

"Well, as far as I know, the recording studio is open." Ben suggested.

"Ah! Recording for fun, is that what you're suggesting?" Harry replied.

Ben nodded and smiled. "I mean, we're just waiting."

"That's cool. Let's do it."

So, we all made our way over to the recording studio, which was a room beside the meeting hall.

The room had a nice woodwork outline and a couple of chairs in front of the huge panel. The panel consisted of many buttons and switches, of which I knew nothing about. There was a huge window that showed a few chairs along with microphones and some support along with it. There was a door on the left, which led to the actual recording area.

"I think I still know how to work this," Ben stated, tampering with a few switches.

I sat down in the empty seat beside Ben, ready to watch Harry sing with that angelic voice of his.

"Do you want to do a duet with me?" Harry asked. I didn't know he was talking to me until no one replied.

I looked up, "What? Me?" I asked, pointing to myself.

"Yeah, you." Harry pointed at me with a smile.

I thought for a moment before nodding. "Let's do it."

Harry smiled, his dimples digging deep into his cheeks. I got up and slung my arm around his waist. We walked into the little recording room and I sat down on a chair and so did Harry. We were a few feet away from each other. In front of us was some recording equipment. I slipped on the headphones and Harry signalled me a thumbs up.

"By the way, Ben can see and hear us but we can't." Harry informed me. He turned towards the black window and waved. "Hi Ben."

I looked over at the big window which was completely black. We couldn't see Ben on the other side.

"Okay, thanks." I spoke, half-smiling. "What song are we singing?"

"Well, the instrumental version of our new album isn't here right now... I think. So I guess we should stick with something from Midnight Memories." Harry concluded.

I nodded slowly, "Oh! Can we sing Right Now?"

Harry smirked at me from afar. "Wow, babe. You listen to our songs?"

I blushed and shook my head, "No, I've heard it enough times at your guys' concerts to memorize the lyrics."

"That makes sense," he nodded. "I'll sing the first verse and pre-chorus. We can sing the chorus together, with you singing the second verse and solo. How's that? "

"Sounds good." I replied, adjusting the headphones on my head.

There was a short silence in between us until Harry spoke again.

"Alright, Ben. Start the soundtrack, please."

Music started pouring through the headphones at an even pace. I tapped my fingers as the beat started up.

"Lights go down and I hear you calling to me, yeah. I hear voices, singing songs on the street and I know,"

I looked over at Harry. His eyes were closed and the veins in his neck were visible, something that happens when he fully devotes himself to singing.

He completed his parts and started up the chorus. I joined in, closing my eyes and focusing on the air leaving from my diaphragm. I sang harmony to Harry's smooth and silk-like voice.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Harry was staring at me with a small smile. I passed a smile as the music played. I mentally prepared myself for the second verse.

I shut my eyes, "Late night, spaces, with all our friends, you and me, yeah. Love these faces, just like how it used to be,"

I finished up my part just as Harry started up the pre-chorus. I listened to his angelic voice, drumming my fingers along with the beat.

We sang the chorus together, quite beautifully. I got ready to give my all during my solo. I sucked in a deep breath just as my part came up.

"And I could do this forever," I belted out as Harry sang the back vocals. "And let's go crazy together." I opened my eyes, "Lights go down and I hear you calling to me, yeah."

Harry joined in at the chorus with me. "Right now, I wish you were here with me. Cause, right now, everything is new to me. You know I can't fight the feeling and every night, feel it. Right now, I wish you were here with me."

We ended the song beautifully, I had sang harmony once more. I opened my eyes and breathed out. I looked over at Harry and he was smiling at me.

"That was great. You have such an... amazing voice." Harry spoke.

I blushed. "Thanks but really, you're amazing."

He stood up after removing his headphones and I followed suit. He walked over to me and pulled me close by the waist. Harry shared an unexpected peck with me, making me giggle.

We walked over to the doorway, still smiling. The second we stepped outside of the recording area, we were greeted by something very surprising.


Hiiii omg sorry I haven't updated in quite a while. Please vote and comment.


And another thing, I am getting barely any feedback on this book so I am still debating whether to write a sequel or not. Since I am getting such amazing feedback on my other book, Invincible, I am thinking of ending this book soon.

I mean the least you can do is vote. It's just tapping a button. Sorry about the sass but really.

So please comment what you think. This is going to be the basis of my decision so comment comment comment!

And wow 29k?!

-Maya xox

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