1: The First Day On The Job

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*The Next Day*

I pulled up in front of the studio. I took out my iPhone 5s from my back pocket, just to check that I was at the right place.

Sure enough, I was. I looked up at the large building, from the small window of my car. The set of Good Morning Britain!? WOW... I am going to be helping at the set of Good Morning Britain!? So many stars have been interviewed in this very building!

Keep it cool Jade... no pressure...calm.

"Wow, I can't believe it..." I said to myself.

I got a hold of myself and got out of my small Honda car. I mentally prepared myself and looked over the text my 'Boss' had sent me last night.

Hi Jade,

Tomorrow is going to be your first day at work, with me. We will review basics and who we will be 'Beauty-fy-ing'. Your pay will be approximately £2000/week.

At this point I had stopped reading and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. £2000/week?!

I continued reading,

The address is ************* and we will be working in the section 'Dressing Prep, Area A'. Please be at the studio by 8am. I am excited to meet you.

-Lou xx

I stared at the screen of my cell phone for a second and looked up at the building.

"It's either now or never." I said to no one in particular.

Walking in through the front doors, I was greeted by the scent of coffee. A elderly brunette sat at the front desk, her eyes briefly scanning me.

"Um, hi." I started awkwardly. "I am here as a Makeup Artist's assistant for today's show?" I said, sounding unsure.

"Right this way." She said in a snobby tone. With that she started walking and leading me down endless hallways. After endless turns, she stopped us in front of a door labeled 'Dressing Prep'.

"There ya go."

"Uh, thanks." I replied.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently. I heard voices and loud talking/yelling. No response. I waited for about 15 seconds until I knocked again. Still no answer. I twisted the door handle and poked my head inside the room. As soon as I did that, I was blinded by brightness and I immediately felt dizzy. People were rushing all over the place, some with wires and microphones draped over their arms and some were running around with many articles of clothing. I walked inside and tried finding the section called 'Area A'. After a minute of scanning around, I decided to ask someone. I saw a broad and buff looking man walked around. I quickly stopped him.

"Hi. My name is Jade Collins and I am the assistant working for Ms. Lou. I was told to meet her in the section called 'Area A' but I can't seem to find it. So maybe you can tell me where it is?" I stated, unsurely.

"Oh yes. Right this way."

He led me through the jam-packed area until we got to the back of the hall. He stopped in front of a door labeled 'Area A'. I thanked the kind man and knocked on the door. I heard something like dryers in the room. The door opened in a sudden swift movement. A tall and if I might say gorgeous lady stood there. She had whitish hair and her kind blue-grey eyes stared into my chocolate brown ones. She had a welcoming smile on and her clothing choice was so hipster and cute!

"Hi, how may I help you?" She questioned.

"Uh hi. I am looking for Ms. Lou? I am her new assistant and I was told to come to 'Area A' for my first day on the job..." I replied trying to sound confident.

"Oh! Are you Jade?" she questioned, with a tint of joy in her voice.

"Yes, I am Jade Collins."

"Of course! I have been waiting! You are right on time! Come in!" She chirped.

"Oh thanks! I am glad I have finally reached where I am supposed to be!" I said relieved.

"Okay, I will show you our 'clients' for today, well actually, they're our permanent clients. " She used air quotations around the word 'clients'.

"But first I will introduce myself. I am Lou, Lou Teasdale, One Direction's Makeup Artist."

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