Like who the hell does he think he is!? I thought. 

I have busted my ass these past two months, doing everything he said, and I turned out amazingly and I can't even get one look of approval!? No Sir, that is not gonna fly with me. 

I've made my way to the northern side of Sin's pack grounds and I've picked up his scent. Not only did Theo teach me the basics of exercise and how to fight, he also taught me the basics of tracking. 

I followed his scent and came upon a little creek. The sun's beginning to set and I scan my surroundings. Tall grass lay everywhere, giant trees are spread out, and then when I looked closer along the creek I saw him. He was standing with his back facing me. He had his hands stuck inside the pockets of his basketball shorts and his head was staring straight into the sunset. 

I slowly walked toward him and furiously growled, "Are you ready to explain yourself now?" 

Theo didn't move. He didn't even flinch. 

"Hello? Theodore!" I barked. 

Again, no response. I began walking closer when he finally spoke. 

"No-one's called me that in years." 

I stopped in my tracks and replied, "What?" 

Theo sighed and slowly turned around.

"No-one has called me Theodore since I was 10." His eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying. 

"Are you okay?" I asked moving closer to him.

"Don't come any closer, Bella." He spoke firmly right before he turned back around. 

"Why? What's so wrong with me being close to you?" I asked, quite hurt to be honest. 

"Because!" He shouted, causing the birds resting on the creek to fly away. 

He then turned around and hurried closer to me. "Because anyone who is close to me gets hurt!" His eyes were now watering and I felt my heart break for him. 

"Oh, Theo.." I said and he turned his face away from me but I gently turned it back. 

"I know you must be hurting so badly but you have three brothers back there who love you to death. They want to help you. They want nothing but goodness for you. You need to let someone in, it's not healthy to stay to yourself and neglect your feelings." 

"I don't know how much you know about me since I haven't really ever been able to speak with you, but I came from a very violent home. My brothers, unlike yours, hated me. They beat me till I couldn't see anymore, till I couldn't feel anything anymore.. My Father violated my body is every sense of the word, but what do you see me doing?" I asked, my hand still on Theo's face. 

"I'll tell you what you don't see me doing. You don't see me retreating. You don't see me giving into my pain, and trust me, I have a lot of pain inside me. I won't let me hold myself back. I won't let my broken mind keep me away from Sin. I won't let it destroy any chances I have left at happiness. You have a family who loves you, who cherish you. Don't let your mind hold you back, Theodore. You have so much potential.. Not only do you have three brothers who love you but you also have two sisters now. Sin, Hendrix, Chicago, Lana, and I are all here for you. I promise, we're not going anywhere." I finished. 

"You remind me of her, ya know?" Theo spoke softly. 

"You remind all of us of our Thea.. She was just as bubbly and goofy as you. She wouldn't let any negativity into her life, or ours. I guess that's why it's been so easy for all of us to connect with you. I would've never said any of this to you if you weren't so... Open and kind." He continued. I felt my heart swell and my cheeks burn at his words. 

"I want to thank you for how you treat my brother. I haven't seen him this happy in years. You two really are perfect for each other. I just hope you see that too." He finished. 

Is this boy trying to make me melt into a popsicle? I thought. 

Theo and I hugged and walked back to the Pack House together. My own words and his got me thinking and my adrenaline pumping. Once we made it back to the village I sprinted to the house and ran inside. 

"Where's Sin?" I busted out to Chicago and Lana who were in the livingroom watching a movie. They were so startled they knocked over their popcorn onto the floor.

"You have got to stop doing that, Bella!" Chicago yelled causing a little grin to appear on my face. 

"He's in his office." Lana replied. 

"Thanks Lana," I shouted down the hall. 

I ran my little butt all the way down the hall and practically fell into Sin's office.

"Sin!" I called out. He quickly stood up from his desk and rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?? What's going on??" He begged, worryingly. 

"I wanna be official. I wanna be with you. I really, really, like you." I puffed, out of breath. 

Sin looked completely shocked. I was leaning on my knees out of breath then quickly straightened up. 

"So? Are you going to say something?" I smiled. 

But as soon as that smile appeared, it dropped. 

"No." Sin said. I felt my heart strings snap. 

What does he mean no?... Dexia whispered. 

"W-What do you mean?" I asked holding back my tears. 

I knew this was too good to be true. I knew he wouldn't want me. Why would he want me? My Father and brothers were right. I'm nothing. I'm a worthless, unlovable, nobody. The tears were flooding my eyes now, making it even harder to contain them. 

And then he confirmed my very fear... "I don't want to be official." 

Snap. Drop. Crack. There went my heart...

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