Chapter 63

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~Karakura Town~

You exited the Dangai and stopped in the air, watching the town from above.

,,I'll go to Urahara's shop.", Hisagi bowed before he shunpoed away.

,,Hm? Wait!", you followed him.

Infront of the little shop Kisuke already was waiting for his visitor.

,,Be welcome, Hisagi-san!", he sang through his fan when the black-haired Leutnant arrived infront of him.

,,Hello.", he bowed politely.

Confused he turned around when he heard someone landing behind him.

,,Ohh, Akame-chan! I haven't expect your visit!", Urahara continued his singing.

,,Yo!", you just waved with a little smile.

Inside the shop you guys sat on the table drinking tea.

,,So you are sleeping at the shop, too?", Shuhei asked while scratching his blushed cheek.

,,Too?", you just asked back.

,,Many Shinigami live here while they're on mission or holiday in Karakura Town.", Kisuke explained.

,,I see.", you blinked.

An awkward silence filled the room, fortunally Kisuke broke it soon.

,,Well, Akame-chan. I guess you aren't here just to visit me, right?", he chuckled behind his fan.

,,Aye..", you rubbed your backhead, ,, I need to go to Hueco Mundo, please."

By your words Hisagi began to listen carefully.

,,Allright, no problem!", Urahara sang enthusiastic.

,,What..?", Hisagi thought, ,,Doesn't he want to know the reason? Didn't she say she wanted to spent some free time in the human world? Maybe a secret mission?.."

,,Thank you.", you smiled.

In the evening you walked down the stairs into the basement of the shop. Urahara already was ready to open the Garganta.

,,Where has Hisagi-san gone? I wanted to say goodbye.", you said wondering.

,,He already went to sleep.", Kisuke informed you and you just nodded.

After the Garganta was opened you shunpoed through the gate but you didn't realized that someone followed you.

,,Be careful.", Kisuke smirked when your follower shunpoed across him.

,,Oh dear..", he sighed chuckling after he closed the passage.


~Hueco Mundo~

You landed in the middle of the endless sandacape and watched the dark sky.

,,I really didn't miss it.", you sighed with a grin.

You closed your eyes to concentrate but you couldn't sense something or someone specific. So you head on without any direction. After a few miles you were stopped by five female Adjuchas.

,,What's a Shinigami doing here?", one of them asked grumpy.

,,Maybe you can help me.", you replied friendly.

,,Hah! Why should anyone of us help a Shinigami?", another one asked snippy.

,,I thought these times were over.", you raised an eyebrow.

,,These times never will be over!", the third shouted before the last two Adjuchas attacked you.

You knocked them out easily, without killing them.

,,Let me ask again: Will you help me?", you smiled.

,,What do you want?", the first asked pissed.

,,I'm searching for an Arrancar. Grimmjow Jaggerjack. Do you know where he could be?", you asked politely.

,,What do you want from this male scum?", the second asked snippy.

,,Scum?", you raised an eyebrow, ,,Aren't the Espada still your superiors?"

,,There were. But some male Adjuchas and Arrancar began to deny following Harribel-sama and Neliel-sama just because both of them are women.", they explained.

,,And....?", you forced them to continue.

,,They insisted to make Grimmjow to the king of Las Noches.", they replied angry.

,,But...?", you suspected the worste.

,,Of course we and many others denied to follow such an sexist scum!", they shouted.

,,So Hueco Mundo has been divided?", you asked interested.

,,Of course. Harribel-sama and Neliel-sama are still the queens of Las Noches. Grimmjow and his fraccion are somewhere in nowhere out there in the endless sandscape of Hueco Mundo.", they explained disgusted.

,,I see.. Well, thank you very much!", you bowed before you continued your way.

,,Wait! You don't want to go to them, don't you?!", they wondered.

,,I will be alright, thank you!", you smiled and waved.

,,Crazy girl.."

.. A few hours passed and you did nothing but running, after a while you stopped for a break.

,,How can there be so much of nothing?", you mumbled to yourself.

Suddenly two male Adjuchas appeared infront of you.

,,You entered Grimmjow-sama's teritory. Explain yourself or you will die.", one of them said strong.

,,Grimmjow-sama? Will you bring me to him?", you asked friendly.

,,Hm? Why should a female Shinigami be allowed to speak to our king?!", the other one asked angry.

,,Well.. I was part of his fraccion, too.", you smiled.

,,Don't make fun of us little girl!", they attacked you.

You just sighed and beat them easily. You placed your feet on top of one's head and watched him annoyed.

,,Well.. I'm sure 'Grimmjow-sama' is bored as hell if he thinks it's enough to send out some weaklings.. And I'm sure he would be very pissed if you wouldn't bring such a powerful invader to your king.", you smirked arrogantly.



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