Chapter 45

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When you woke up the next morning you sleepy stood up and took on your short clothes. You shivered when the cold ran over your whole body. You looked around and noticed a sweatshirt hanging above the chair. You stepped towards to grap it. You just watched it for a moment before you hold it infront of your face to sniff at it. You froze when you realized electric blue eyes watching you. You turned your head to look at Grimmjow who laid in the bed with a bored sight.

,,Do you want to wear it once again?", you asked then.

,,No.", he replied cool.

You escaped his eyes and put the sweatshirt on.

,,It's as warm as I hoped.", you said deliriously happy.

,,Blame yourself, for fleeing out of the bed.", the blue-haired smirked.

,,Aren't you hungry?", you tried to change the topic.

He just sat up and smirked even wider, his eyes filled with lust. He liked the way you look in his large sweater.

,,And you don't like the way I look at you.", you teased him and let out a little sigh before you left the room.

When you entered the kitchen you noticed a piece of paper pinned at the window frame. Confused you took it to unfold it. What the..? There was a painting of a.. Hollow-mask? It was a very bad painting, but the more you look at it, you were sure it was a Hollow-mask.

,,Grimmjow..", you said kind of hypnotized when you heard his footsteps.

,,What is it?", he grumpled.

,,Look at this.", you gave him the paper.

He opened his eyes widely.

,,Che.", he just made then and walked to the frontdoor.

,,Where are you going?", you asked while stepping behind him.

,,I'll be back soon.", he said annoyed before he sonidoed away.

,,That really was strange..", you raised an eyebrow.

,,Seems like he's in a hurry.", a familiar voice spoke.

,,Toshiro?", you wondered when you saw him sitting at the roof.

,,Maybe he give us a bit time to talk alone.", he jumped down, his eyes were permanentely laid on Grimmjow's sweater you wore.

You blushed when you noticed it and somehow you started to feel ashamed.

,,Wait a minute.. Was it you?", you asked then.

,,I just pinned it there. The "massage" was "written" by Urahara.", he explained bugged.

,,So this was his work.. Sounds like him.", you raised an eyebrow.

,,So, what do you want to talk about?", you watched him still confused.

,,Are you clear, that we are responsible for everything you guys do?", his voice became serious.

,,What.. Do you mean..?", you stammered.

,,There have been incidents.", he sharpened his emerald eyes.

,,Incidents..?", your eyes opened widely.

,,A few kids started to use Chakra violently.", he informed you.

,,Chakra still is a part of this world.", you replied sternly.

,,Are this the words he convinced you with?", his emerald eyes watched you sharply again.

You escaped his sight angryly.

,,Grimmjow Jaggerjack just wants to fight.", he said then.

,,The duty of Shinigami is to keep the balance between the souls, isn't it?", you asked snippy.

,,If you hadn't made contact with us in any way, you're right, we would have no right to interfere in the happenings of the human world. But fact is: We send you and especially him.. An Arrancar.. No, an Hollow to this world, so we are responsible for everything you do.", his voice was deep.

,,What do you expect me to do now.", you asked kind of pounting.

,,Help me to stop him.", he replied.

You escaped his eyes again. What should you do?

,,I can't imagine how much you want to get your life back and know that he gives you the feeling it could become real. You knew him when he was alive, right? But he died.. And became a Hollow.. You should know what this means by now. Even if a part of his personality left.. Our memories and experiences make us to what we are. Don't believe in a dream.", he begged in a calm tone.

,,Hmpf.. I really gave in when I met Marada. I was not living for his plan.. I was living in a dream since then.", you grinned innocencely with closed eyes.

,,But now it's time to wake up.", you opened your eyes and said with a strong voice.

Meanwhile Grimmjow arrived at Urahara's shop.

,,What do you want from me, old man?", the blue-haired grumbled.

,,Ohh, you are as kind as you used to be.", Kisuke sang in a high tone.

,,Che.", Grimmjow just made annoyed.

,,I just was interested how my Gigai is.", the blonde man spoke through his fan.

,,Your Gigai?", the blue-haired smirked with a raised eyebrow.

Kisuke just watched him sternly above his fan. Then Grimmjow turned around pissed off to leave. Suddenly he noticed a strong and unknown but also familiar Chakra. Could it be ready at least? A wide smirk appeard on his face again.


Till I Collapse - Toshiro X Reader OC X Grimmjow [ENDED]Where stories live. Discover now