Chapter 40

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You stepped through the Senkaimon back to the human world. Urahara of course greeted you.

,,Hello, Akame-chan! Welcome ba-

His words were cut off when he noticed your strong presence. She really made a huge progress..

,,Hello, Urahara-san.", you smiled at him.

He just smiled back and led you upstairs to his shop. You bowed out and returned home. Now you could finally stand him and live in peace. It's still your job to be able to stand him for all eventualities. When you returned home a strange feeling came over you. You walked to the Dojo because you heard some sounds coming from it. You opened the door and saw a dozen of boys and girls, they all were concentrating their Chakra?!

,,Allright. Let's begin. These ones who can beat Yuki will get a special lesson.", Grimmjow suddenly spoke and Yuki took place in the middle of the Dojo.

She striked a fighting pose and smirked challenging. A boy smirked back arrogantly and stepped forward to adopt his pose opposite her. He jumped to attack her, his jump really was powerful, seemed like he used Chakra in his feet. But Yuki faught him easily, like everyone who came after him.

,,It will be a long way.", Grimmjow grumpled annoyed.

,,What the..", you couldn't hold back any longer.

,,Akame-sensei!", Yuki shouted happily.

,,Ohh, finally you are back.", the blue-haired watched you with sharp eyes, ,,You are dismissed."

By his words the guys stood up weakly and walked past you to went out. You just froze.

,,I really missed you, Akame.", suddenly Yuki hugged you.

,,I missed you, too.", your voice was warm but confused.

,,But I have to go now, the sun will go down, soon.", she smiled.

,,Aye, be careful.", you said and she bowed out.

,,Where have you been?", a rough voice asked.

,,I just visited someone.", you replied without facing the blue-haired.

,,Did you miss the little captain?", he smirked sneery.

,,What are you supposed to do?", you ignored his question.

,,Just wanted to tease you.", he raised an eyebrow.

,,With these kids and teaching him Ninjutsu.", you watched him sternly.

,,Just want to help, like you helped Yuki.", he shrugged his shoulders.

,,That's rediculess! What are you supposed to do?!", you got mad.

,,Just gave us our life back.", he sharpened his eyes.

,,You.. Can't even remember! Do you even know what this means?!", you asked furiously.

,,Revive the era of Shinobi.", he grinned but his voice was apathetic.

,,It ended for a good reason.", your voice got calmer.

,,No, it's just forgotten.", he said kind of annoyed.

,,So people are almost living in peace and wealth today.", you argued.

,,Che. Look at the human world, it's still full of greed, envy and wrath. It's like a disease.", he replied disgusted.

,,And you want to cure it?", you asked sarcastically.

,,Don't be silly, I just need a useful life full of satisfying fights.", he smirked lowly.

,,Do you want to create a Shinobi army for you, or something like that?", you started to imagine the worst.

,,You stupid. Always thinking so complicated. Like I said, humans are full of greed, envy and wrath. If they know about their power, everything will go it's way without help. Other will realize and release their powers. The weaklings will feel threatened and others will use those with Chakra to be protected."

,,That's insane!", you got furious again.

,,Chakra is still existing, and those who are born with it have the right to use it.", he just debated.

,,Might be right.. But you are stodging these kids with powers they aren't ready to control mentalically. This will cause chaos and end in war.", you explained bothered.

,,That's right.", he smirked at you with sharp eyes.

Your eyes opened widely, you thought he was capable of doing many things, but to hit on such an idea was really unpredictable. Right..? You felt his electric blue eyes starring at you, it felt like a blade which pierced your heart. You jerked when he stepped closer to you.

,,So..", he gently touched your face, ,,Where have you been so long?"

,,Not your bisuness.", you hit his hand away.

,,Oh, poor girl. Really couldn't forget your little white-haired captain?", he teased you again, but this time his eyes seemed to be filled with hatred instead of sneer.

,,I said, it's not your business.", you repeated angry.

,,Che, fine.", he just said and walked away.

,,If you want to stop me.. Do it fast.", he added with a deep voice.

You froze, maybe he was right and you should end it now, before he would be too strong, or before things can't change back. But maybe his plan won't even work, it's just an idea. Himself has no special target. And sure the next generation has the right to get a chance, maybe it will be different than then.. No..! Humans don't change.. It would never be different.. But will your new ability even work against him..?

You was left in the Dojo when the sun went down, your thoughts circuited in your mind. Could you ever even move a finger against him..? Will you really have to throw away this possible future with him..? A future..? With him..? So stupid..

,,The most important, is to butt out these kids.", you sighed bothered, then you clenched your fist gritty.


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