Chapter 62

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~10th division - Seireitei~

You sat in the office doing paperwork, but most of the time you were watching out of the window lost in thoughts. You even haven't realized your Captain entering the room.

,,What's wrong with you during the last weeks?", Toshiro asked in a caring tone while touching your shoulder softly.

You jerked and took a deep breath in shock. Slowly you turned your head around and watched into emerald eyes.

,,H-Hitsugaya..-taichou..", you stammered still shocked.

The white-haired captain raised an eyebrow, then he just sighed and walked to his desk to took place infront of it.

,,It's because of this Espada.", he broke the silence again.

,,What?", you smiled trying to play dumb.

He just watched you sternly.

,,Aye..", you replied then with a low voice.

,,You don't have to tell me any details about what has been between you. But the fact there was something between you, has to mean a lot.", he began to speak.

,,What are you trying to say?", you asked carefully.

,,I really don't know him well, but I'm sure his pride won't allow him to ask you a second time.", he replied with closed eyes

,,Ask for what?", you raised an eyebrow.

,,Really, it's hard to deal with you somehow.", the white-haired sighed.

,,Toshiro..!", you pouted.

Theatrically he gave you a pissed glance.

,,Hitsugaya-taichou..", you pouted again while looking away.

,,Just make the first step this time or continue missing him.", he waved and exited the room.

,,I've never said I'm missing anybody..", you mumbled annoyed.

You just let out a loud sigh before you stood up to take a walk through Seireitei.
You stopped on top of a hill and sat down in the shadow of a tree. You laid back into the grass and closed your eyes, just enjoying the light wind.

,,Oiiii! Akame!!", a male voice cut you off.

,,What is it?", you grumbled, your eyes still closed.

,,I just saw you here and thought I should say hello.", the deep but shrill voice replied.

Annoyed you opened a single eye to see the red-haired with a big smile on his face.

,,Hello, Renji.", you said then.

,,Hm?", confused he raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly his ear was grapped roughly which made him scream in pain.

,,Haven't I told you to let her alone?!", Rukia slang him.

,,A-Aye.. Sorry.", he stammered.

,,It's alright, thank you Rukia-san.", you smiled at her.

To see these two guys would always cheer you up. She smiled back and began to drag Renji away on his ear.
While straggling through the streets you saw Momo and decided to talk to her a bit. But when you noticed that he already was talking to someone you wanted to continue your way.

,,Akame-chan!", she called when she saw you.

,,Momo.", you smiled at her.

,,Good morning, Uchiha-san.", the black-haired guy next to her bowed.

,,Hello.. Hisagi.. Shuhei.. Right?", you replied while trying to see his face.

,,Y-Yes, I'm the Leutnant of 9th division.", he stammered with a light blush.

,,It's nice to meet you. Please, call me Akame.", you said with a smile.

,,T-Thank you.", he bowed again to hide his red face.

,,Akame-chan, I wanted to ask you something about Hitsugaya-kun uhm.. I mean-

,,Don't worry I won't tell on.", you cut Hinamori off with a laugh, ,,What is it?"

,,It's because of his birthday next month, I'm not sure if I should get something for him. I guess he hates presents.", she spoke thoughtfully and kind of worried.

,,I'm sure he would always be happy to get anything from you.", you smiled at her while touching her shoulder.

She just smiled back and hugged you which made you blush lightly in embarrassement, but then you just gave in and hugged her back. Her presence always feels so warm.
You bowed out and returned to the office to talk to your captain.

,,Uhm..Hitsugaya-taichou..?", you stammered.

,,What is it?", he just asked cool.

,,Well.. I..", you blushed lightly.

,,What?!", he raised an eyebrow.

,,It's just... I...", you continued stammering.

,,Just say it.", he said angry now.

,,I would love to spent some holiday.", you bowed, your face red like tomato.

He just let out a loud sigh.

,,Of course you can spent some holiday.", he replied cool.

,,Thank you.", you walked to the door without making eye contact.

,,But..", his words made you stop.

You turned around and watched him confused.

,,If this situatuion already is this embarrasing for you even infront of me.. Are you sure you can do it?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.

,,I have to, or not?", you sighed.

,,I think so.", he smirked.

,,Well, maybe you will handle some things, too while I'm off.", you twinkled before you ran away.

,,What did she say..?!"


In the evening you stood infront of the Senkaimon waiting for it to be opened.

,,Just a moment, please. You will go through with another one at the same time.", one of the guards informed you politely.

,,It's alright, thank you.", you smiled at him.

,,I'm sorry for the delay.", a deep voice appeared next to you.

,,Shuhei-san..?", you looked up at him.

,,Oh.. Uchi- no.. Akame..-san?", he stammered.

,,Are you going on a mission?", you asked then friendly.

,,No.. I'm spending some free time in the human world.", he rubbed his backhead, ,,What's with you?"

,,Me, too.", you smiled at him.

,,Are you ready? We will open the gate now.", the guard cut you off to inform you.




Till I Collapse - Toshiro X Reader OC X Grimmjow [ENDED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon