Chapter 41

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The next days you watched Grimmjow showing how to use Chakra and Ninjutsu to a lot of kids by different ages. You decided, as long nothing bad would happen, you wouldn't do anything against it. Your duty was to lay on an eye on him, so he wouldn't put someone into danger which actively was caused by himself. And for now he hasn't layed a finger on anyone. It wouldn't be fair to judge or even punish him for nothing. The world changes again and again, it's just natural, right ..? A loud sigh came out of your mouth. You had no plan what you have to do, nor even what you want to do. You laid back at the veranda and whatched the clouds thoughtful.

,,Akame.", suddenly a cold but familiar voice cut your thoughts off.

,,Hitsugaya.. Taichou..?", you stammered after sitting up.

Confused the white-haired captain raised an eyebrow. Why should you be so formal?

,,The next checkup?", you asked.

,,How are you?", he asked back with a low smile.

,,Well.. I'm fine.", you blushed lightly, his voice was so calm.

,,Seems like you opened a school of martial arts or something like that. That way you want to remember your past, I guess?", he spoke while looking around.

,,Eh.. Aye..", you faked a smile.

,,And our Espada-friend is well, too?", he asked then.

,,He just supports me, seems like he found a sense in his new life.", you replied without facing him.

,,No incidents?", he sharpened his eyes.

,,He hasn't laid a finger on anyone, if you mean that.", your eyes got sharp, too.

,,So you made a trip to Rukongai just for fun?", he asked then directly.

,,You could say that.", you replied sighing with closed eyes.

,,Allright. Farewell then.", he raised his arm for a little wave while walking away.

,,Aye. You, too.", you mumbled while watching his back before he shunpoed away.

You starred at the air for a while, then you just sighed. What's going on with me?

,,Why did you lie?", suddenly Grimmjow stepped out of the house.

,,Did I?", you just asked back.

,,Maybe not.", he raised an eyebrow and watched the sky thoughtfully.

,,What have you heard?", you wanted to know then.

,,Everything.", he grinned lowly.

,,Wouldn't you know it.", you had to grin, too.

,,So, what's your problem?", he asked then sternly.

,,I have no problem. What's your problem?!", you pouted.

,,So you told this brat a half truth just for fun? That was the chance to stop me, what changed your mind?", he raised his eyebrow.

,,I don't really had a final opinion about it. And I started to train Yuki first, remember?
They ordered me to lay an eye on you, just to shift me and now we both are observed by them pedantically. They didn't trust me since I appeared here and that will never change. They won't be honest with me and so I won't be, too. It's not like that it's the first time.", you tried to sound strong.

,,Ohh? You really are sensitive.", he smirked teasing.

,,Shut up! I just guess that I have the right to create my own life by myself.", you pouted angry.

,,But can you do it?", his voice was husky when he grapped your wrist.

You protested, but you couldn't free yourself out of his grip.

,,I really love how strong you are, but I love it more how weak you are against me.", he smirked evily.

,,That's what I hate the most.", you smirked to tease him.

,,That makes me love it even more.", his voice was deep.

,,Sounds weird, to hear that you love something.'', you grinned sneeringly.

,,Yeah.. Must be this human body.", he said disgusted.

You couldn't hold back a light smile. Maybe to imagine a future with him isn't so stupid.. Now he is not only a Hollow which lost his heart.. He's a human.. A special one, of course.. But he's a human who should have feelings.. Maybe he even has to get used to be like this before by himself.. Maybe you just should let things take it's curse.

,,What are you grinning like this all the time?", he cut your thoughts off.

,,Nothing..", you blushed and glanced to his lips.

,,Kiss me. If you dare.", his voice was still deep and husky.

,,Why should I-

He cut your words off with kissing you roughly and you started to enjoy it instantly.

,,And how you want that.", he smirked sneeringly.

,,Maybe I wanted to know why I should be frightened.", you tried to tease him.

,,That's something you should be able to answer yourself.", he teased you instead and continued kissing you.

You opened your eyes wide when you heard his words before you relaxed and kissed him back.
I know it too well..
He made you sink in to the grass, it was wet owing to the morning dew. He released your tonge and started to kiss your neck gently. You gasped and blushed lightly, his actions were so gently. He took his time to coddle you with commitment, you heart began to race and your body became warm. You slowly reached your climax, it was long and intensive. When you recovered Grimmjow kissed you softly and took your clothes on. You just watched him with questioning eyes.

,,Let's take our time and make it slowly.", he whispered husky before he returned into the house.

You stayed there sitting in the grass with fluttering feelings and blushed cheeks.

,,That's what I was frightened of..", you mummered lowly with a light smirk.


Till I Collapse - Toshiro X Reader OC X Grimmjow [ENDED]Where stories live. Discover now