Chapter 20

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Hizashi opened the door to the abnormally quiet apartment, and tossed his book bag aside causing a huge thump as hit hit the wooden floor. He took off all his gear and put them on the bed.

Hizashi walked over to the small desk with a small lamp on it, and pulled out a few papers from the drawer beside the desk. "Now, let's try to find where those two little dip shits are hiding Shota," Hizashi said to himself as he pulled out the chair out from under the desk and sat down.

He then rummaged through another drawer to find a sharpened pencil. He took out a pencil and stared to write. "Ok first possible place would be...Oh, maybe Junto's house, but then I would have to find out where he lives," Hizashi mumbled to himself as he wrote things down, "Second possible place would probably be a secret hideout."

Hizashi kept on brainstorming possibilities and mumbling to himself, and sometimes getting distracted by Niko rubbing up against his leg.

The next day...

"Hizashi!" Nemuri yelled as her voice echoed through the small apartment, "Hey I just came in to check on yo-" Nemuri walked over to the bedroom and saw the blonde passed out on the desk with papers everywhere.

Nemuri walked towards the desk while setting her bag on the bed. She stood next to the unconscious blonde, and chuckled. "Your starting to act like Aizawa," Nemuri sighed and picked up one of the many papers on the desk. As she studied the paper she grinned.  Looks like you took my advice.

This is what the note looked like:

Nemuri had picked up another paper that had some printed pictures of a house and some notes that said, "Hasn't been put up for sale??" And, "No one lives there??" Nemuri looked closer at the pictures and noticed it was Aizawa's old house

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Nemuri had picked up another paper that had some printed pictures of a house and some notes that said, "Hasn't been put up for sale??" And, "No one lives there??" Nemuri looked closer at the pictures and noticed it was Aizawa's old house.

"Now that I think about it, it's never been put up for sale and no one bought it," Nemuri realized, but then shrugged and walked over to the blonde and took off his glasses, and grabbed a blanket from the bed and draped it over the unconscious blonde.

As Nemuri was leaving, she checked what time it was. Shit 25 minutes until I have to go to U.A. Nemuri thought and got into her car, but before she left she decided to leave Hizashi a message.

"I hope it's not too late," Nemuri said to herself as she drove away.


Hizashi slowly got up and realized, he had slept in. He quickly jolted up from the desk and was about to run to the bathroom, but before he could he had gotten a massage from principal Nezu.

He picked up his phone and saw that, not only did Nezu text, but Nemuri had also texted him.


Nezu- I heard that you weren't feeling so good, and I hope you get better soon.

30 minutes ago

Nemuri- Hey I called in sick for you because I know you probably need more sleep and more time investigating where Shota is, so don't bother going to school.

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