Chapter 3

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Hizashi's POV:

My heart dropped when I saw the cuts on Shota's wrist. That's why he seemed like he was in pain when I grabbed his wrist. "Aika I've got to go," I quickly said as I jumped off the couch and stared putting on my shoes.

"Wait, what, why!?" She yelled.

"It's an emergency," I finished tying my shoes and ran out the door, "Bye!" I ran to my car are started driving to Shota's apartment.

Once I got there I banged on his door. "Shota open the damn door!" I yelled while almost breaking out in tears, "I know your there dammit just open the door!"

Once he opened the door I slammed him up against a wall.

"Hey what the hell!" He shouted.

I grabbed his arms and rolled his sleeves up. "Why," I whispered, "Why the hell do you do this to your self!" I yelled now I have broken out in tears.

"Wow you caught on quick," Shota said with a smirk.

"I'm not playing games Shota! Why the hell do you do this!" I screamed while trying not to activate my quirk.

"Fine," he said putting his hands up, "I guess I really just don't see the point of living when all I am is a waste of space, and I don't know what the point of this is, but I've liked you for a long time, and what I mean by like I mean I've have a crush on you, but since you have a girlfriend I guess it doesn't mat-" I stopped him mid sentence and pulled him into a kiss.

Once we parted Shota's face was red and filled with confusion. "But y-you have a girlfriend," He just stared at me with confusion.

"You don't understand Sho, I never liked Aika, I've always liked you," I stared into his beautiful captivating black eyes, and before I knew it he had pulled me into another kiss. "You know I would never date a girl like her." I said.

"Then why are you then?" Just as I was about to answer my phone buzzed. It was Aika.

Aika: where and why the hell did you leave me!!

me: I told you it was an emergency

Aika: Then what was the emergency then?!

I just stood there and looked at my phone. Shit, what should I say? If I say a friend was in trouble she would come over, and I don't want to ruin the moment. As I was thinking I hadn't noticed I was mumbling until Shota had pointed it out.

"Zashi, is everything ok?" He had looked worried.

"Yeah, everything is fine," I mumbled, "Do you think I can spend the night tonight?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Don't you have to go back to your girlfriend," I knew that she would probably be mad at me, but I wanted to make sure Shota was ok and he didn't do anything to him self.

"Nah, she'll be fine without me," I said as I turned off the tracking app Aika had put on my phone.

"Fine I guess you can stay, I could care less," He said while heading towards the couch. I decided to follow him.

Aizawa's POV:

When I sat down on the couch Hizashi sat right next to me. I was starting to feel tired and decided to just lay on Hizashi's lap. I looked up at his face to see that it was bright red. Why does he have to be god damn cute?! I thought to my self.

Just as I was about to go to sleep there was a loud bang on my door. Jesus, again?! I swear my door is going to break sooner or later. Hizashi got up and opened the door for me, and I got up rubbing my eyes slightly.

Just as he opened the door Nemuri and Toshinori came barging through, leaving Hizashi to be trampled. Once again Nemuri grabbed my wrist just like Hizashi, but this time I pulled away.

"Jesus guys you scared the shit out of me," I said holding my wrist, "And what was that for!" Hizashi had just gotten up after being trampled by Toshinori and Nemuri.

"We scared the shit out of you!? Shota you were scaring the shit out of us!" Nemuri yelled grabbing my arm and rolling up my sleeve.

"Nemuri calm down, Shota and you are both right, you guys scared the shit out of me and Sho, and he scared the shit out of me," Hizashi said rubbing his head.

"That doesn't have anything to do with this!" Nemuri shouted holding out my wrist.

"Ow! Hey watch it!" I growled. She let go of my wrist then began to speak.

"And how the hell could I stay calm when one of my friends tried to kill them self?!" She snapped to Hizashi while pointing to me.

"Shota please tell me, why did you do this," Toshinori said in a worried tone.

"Who cares," I sighed, "I'm still alive aren't I?"

After I had finished my sentence Nemuri was now holding on to my shirt and yelling at me.

"What the fuck do you mean by 'Who cares' we do Shota! Just-" Just before Nemuri could finish her sentence Hizashi had pulled her away from me and on to the side.

Hizashi looked back at me and gave me a look saying 'Can I please tell them?' I sighed and got up from the couch, "Fine, but once Hizashi tells you, leave," I mumbled as I started walking towards my room with Niko following me.

Hizashi's POV:

Once he gave me permission to tell them why he did it I looked back to see the bedroom door closed.

"Please just make sure he's ok, please?" Nemuri looked up at me while holding my hands. I nodded and told her everything would be fine.

Once Toshinori and Nemuri had left I headed over to Shota's room. I went to go open it but it was locked.

"They're gone now Sho," I told him. He oppened the door and before he had headed to his bed I asked, "hey do you think I could borrow some PJ's?" I gave out a nervous laughter.

He nodded and pulled out a pair of slacks and an oversized T-shirt and handed it to me.

Once I was done changing Shota was already in bed trying to sleep so I decided to cuddle up next to him.

"I love you Sho," I said while putting my head on his shoulder.

He turned around and put his face into my chest, "I love you too, idiot."


sorry if this was a long chapter I guess I just got carried away

(1126 words)

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