Chapter 15 "Informant"

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Amoret's Pov

I sit on the couch waiting for underboss to come back. I'm curious to find out what he had figured out. I'm confident on all I said since it's true besides of course the end result only being half the truth, but no one needs to know that. My mind travels back to when I showed my abuse to underboss. That wasn't in the plans at all it just happened. The emotions to the glimpse of what has been my life with Romanov it's all real. If I'm going to work towards what I need to get might as well work with the truth in order to gain his trust. At the end all I need is to deliver what I need to then disappear far away from this all.

I become lost within the memory of how underboss hugged me when I was in tears. I never had that by a man before. I was taught to cry alone behind closed doors until Kira came along that changed a bit, but other than that I've always been alone in my despair. I'm stunned of how easily I was able to just let loose around him and to just breathe. However, I hope underboss is quick when it comes to his resources and investigation because I just took a leap of faith in throwing Graudyn under the bus in order to put my play into play.

Suddenly, my thoughts break away as my phone starts to ring. I see it's Kira, which I quickly respond finding her call odd since she knows about how close of an eye the Castillos have me.

"Kira why are-"

"Run," Kira hastily says cutting me off as she hangs up not giving me anymore information nor the chance for me to ask anything. Just as I let the phone slide down from my hand I hear gunshots. Padilla starts yelling at others to fire back. Instantly, I run towards the guest room to look through my suitcase to grab my gun I managed to hide from underboss. Just as I grab my gun in case I must use it the door slams open.

"Amoret, it's Padilla. We've been outnumbered we must leave now," Padilla utters out loud. I respond running to Padilla, which as soon as we meet he grabs my hand as we both leave the premises heading to safety. Wherever that may be.

Running down the hallway heading towards a back door Padilla places his hand on the doorknob and almost instantly a gunshot is fired almost hitting Padilla's hand. We both jump turning back to see Graudyn and Dimitry heading our way with guns.

"You осведомитель," Graudyn angrily shouts as he aims his gun towards me. If only underboss could of been a bit faster I could of avoided this. I knew my actions would come with consequences, but at this point my life is more important as longest I deliver what I agreed to do. I never claimed loyalty to Graudyn, so I owe him nothing. If anything I need him out of my way and if putting the Castillos against him is the way to go then so be it.

"Snitches gets stitches or may I say a bullet," Dimitry utters a smirk plastered on his face. Dimitry is Graudyn's right hand and as evil as him. My blood boils seeing Dimitry after what he did to Kira all those years ago. I raise my gun aiming it at Dimitry without a thought to it letting a gunshot fire. I watch as the bullet hits his right shoulder causing him to tilt back a bit. Just as Graudyn was about to open fire I shoot again this time towards him, but he dodges.

Padilla grabs my arm pulling me roughly as we both exit the building. I follow Padilla towards a black truck parked along the sidewalk. Rushing inside Padilla yells at another man to step on it and off we went driving out of underboss's home. I turn back seeing Graudyn and Dimitry step out as they both stop watching us drive away. Graudyn stares directly towards my way as if he's able to see where I'm sitting, which causes my every hair to stand up knowing damn well these windows are well tinted. As I lose eyesight of them I turn around exhaling the breathe I wasn't aware I was holding back. After today I know what's to come. Graudyn won't stop until he gets his hands on me and when underboss finds out his home was broken into and wrecked with it's war.

Knowing Graudyn is about to report me as a trader to Romanov. I can only hope my father hears my plan out and excuses my sudden actions for going against his previous plan. Either way, all I know now is that I'm officially the Castillo's informant in the eyes of both mafias and I must play this right in order to survive both. One little mistake can blow everything and that's not an option for me.

Everything is exactly as I planned.

Romanov's Pov

"She has turned."

I take a moment of silence wishing I would of ended her when I had the chance all those years ago. Since the moment she was conceived she's been trouble everything a Romanov shouldn't be.

"She isn't the only one," I grumble.

"What do you mean?," Ivanov asks.

"There's no way that ungrateful bitch would of known about Graudyn unless of course someone here sent a message," I explain as I take a seat.

"Who do you think was the rat? I will end their life you just say the word cousin," Ivanov responds.

"Amoret has no allies in my mafia I've always made sure of that, but there is one that has never really obeyed me when it comes to Amoret," I say as I take swig of liquor.



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