Chapter 24 "Consequences"

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Leo Jr's Pov

"We have searched everywhere"

I've sent men to search for Amoret more than once at the premises and nothing. It's almost as if the planet ate her very existence nowhere to be found. Not a single trace of her. I am really not trying to think what deep within is starting to construct.

"Do you think," I pause not wanting to say it out loud because that means it would be put out into existence.

"Think what?," My father questions. I'm sure he is thinking of it too, but is waiting for me to say it first. After all, he never trusted Amoret to begin with.

"Do you think she double crossed us?," I finally say. I watch as my father stays silent for a moment as if he's actually considering the possibility that this is indeed the case.

"I always like to leave room for possibilities," he responds. I stay silent feeling my blood begin to boil as this uncontrollable rage starts to travel all over looking for an outlet. Without any hesitation, I find myself throwing my glass cup filled with liquor across the room completely shattering it.

No one reacts only observing me.

"I want Kira in the interrogation room immediately. Do not leave her out of your sight," my father instructs East.

"Betrayal is part of this game. Don't feel like a fool son. We've all been betrayed before," father murmurs as he approaches me. As he continues to speak on what is next. I completely zone out everything becoming a blur. I feel like a complete idiot that got played. I don't even know when I started losing my focus on the mission I was suppose to stay responsible for. I let myself become completely blind sighted by her, the Russian enemy. I should of known better. Was that whole backstory even real? Or was it all to fool me? I clench my jaw as anger runs through my body.

"Son," I hear my father murmur breaking me from my inner thoughts.

"We need to clear things between us," he adds as everyone else starts exiting the room. For some reason I've been trying to avoid this conversation. The last time I had a talk with him about his past with my mother. Things did not go so well.

"I don't got time for this," I hastily respond wanting to walk away. However, my father holds me back.

"As the jefe of this family you don't have no choice, but to man up and listen," he firmly says as I take few steps back having no choice, but to hear him out.

"I'm very sorry for how the truth was presented to you about your mother and I. I always wanted to tell you guys, but your mother didn't. Not a day goes by that I don't hate myself for those days. You'll never know nor understand the way I was raised. Not that it's an excuse at all, but it's the truth. I was truly damaged and that made me a monster thinking it was the only way. Your mother changed me and to be quite honest with you. I don't deserve her in my life, but you can't help who you love. I wished things could of been different back then. Wish I could of had different parents, so I could have been a good man for your mother," he says being completely naked with the truth. I know my father and I know when he's very genuine and exposing such vulnerability, which he isn't so fond of.

As much as I hate to hear this ugly truth about my parents. I can't help, but see his side. Of course this will never excuse what he did because it was absolutely wrong. However, I can see the other side of how ugly certain upbringings are in this type of life. Letting my anger and hurt settle down I decide to hear his story. Growing up, I never heard any stories about his parents and his childhood compared to my mother. I think it's time for me to hear his full raw story.

"It hurts me to know all of this, but it will never take away the father you've been to my sister and I," I say meaning it truly. My father has been a great parent for my sister and I. A great husband to my mother my entire life. As horrible as his past was I can't pretend that all he's done for us is nonexistent. I have no clue about that man he was before, but all I know is this man I've had since I can remember. That's the man I love and is what matters.

"If it's okay with you. I would like to know your story," I add watching him become a bit uneasy as I assume this isn't at all an easy topic he likes to remember let alone talk about. However, he nods his head as he takes a swig of his liquor before he starts to talk. As he speaks I listen intensively not wanting to miss anything about his upbringing. A little history into his past.

Amoret's pov

Slowly fluttering my eyes open I see dim lights hardly providing any brightness to my surroundings. Immediately, I feel a huge headache coming from the upper right area of my forehead. The throbbing is honestly a buzzkill.

Once I fully regain my consciousness I see my arms are lifted up as a rope is tightly tied around both of my wrists keeping me locked in place.

"It's about time," a deep voice I'm all too familiar with utters.

"Just kill me," I bluntly huff as I look into those dark blue eyes I despise so much.

"You know that isn't our style Amoret," Graudyn chuckles. I stay silent trying to analyze my surroundings to the best of my ability. Trying to find anything I can use to set myself free from a destiny I know will be hell as long as I'm held captive here. However, there's nothing around which causes my stomach to flip horribly.

"Oh come on babe. You're not happy to be reunited with your fiancé?," Graudyn murmurs into my ear as his index finger touches my cheek beginning to slide teasingly down my cheek till he comes to a halt at my chest. With what I can I throw my body against him pushing him away. Having him this close to me just makes me nauseous.

"I'll always reject you," I splutter. As soon as I say this Graudyn's hand grabs my neck tightening his grip onto me. Struggling to breathe I try best to move, but considering my hands and feet are tied I can't really do much besides suffer completely at his hands.

"I don't give the slightest fuck about your say. You'll serve me and be whatever I need you to be. Get that through your head. Don't think all that shit you pulled with the Castillos is forgotten. You'll learn very soon," he sternly says as he lets go of my neck as I gasp and cough desperately for oxygen.

"Be prepared for what's to come Amoret. Once your father has a word with you. You'll be completely under my control," Graudyn chuckles as he exits the room leaving me all alone.

The thoughts swirling inside my head are enough to freak anyone out. I know exactly what my father is about to do once he comes into this room. To be honest, I'm not afraid. In matter of fact I just want it over with. However, I know that will not be the case. My father just doesn't do that. He enjoys inflicting pain onto others. I'm not sure when he'll step foot in here, but all I know is that I must mentally prepare myself for what's to come.

After all I betrayed Ruslan Romanov and that has its consequences.

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