Chapter 23 "Capture"

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"Are you ready?,"Kira asks breaking the silence that has existed between us since we arrived. The entire car ride I've been thinking about all of the scenarios of what's about to happen. Not one ends in a fairytale ending.

"I never imagined being on the opposite side for some reason despite how much I hated my father," I murmur

"Yeah, I definitely never saw myself to be where I am right now, but we were forced into this predicament by their hands not ours. It is what it is and this is what we're trained to do despite who's the target," Kira bluntly says.

She's right this was all their doing from the very beginning to now. I just wish Kira didn't get dragged because of me. She's always been loyal to the bloodline and after she got betrayed it must of been really hard on her. To fully commit to a side just to be thrown like you never mattered. All she did for them as if it didn't count for anything.

"There's no one else I would want by my side through this," I say as I look at her.

"Ride or die," she winks as I nod.

"Ride or die," she winks as I nod

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I turn back seeing Mr. Castillo arrive as planned. This is the sign, location has been confirmed and it's time to start making our way in. I watch underboss exit the car leading his men into the warehouse. My heart starts to beat fast wanting to follow suit to make sure he is alright through all of this. I'm in no way questioning his ability whatsoever, but I'm overprotective of him now. I want him to survive in the end of all of this.

"Let's go," I hastily say wanting to not stay too behind. Once out of the car, we rush towards the warehouse, which is immediately met with shotguns noises that causes Kira and I to drop down. Once we see they're coming from the inside. We're up to our feet rushing inside with our guns ready to fire at all threats.

As we head inside I see two of Romanov's men rushing towards us the moment they see us approaching. I run letting myself slide as I drop kick one of the men's legs as Kira does the same towards the other man. Standing up immediately I start fighting my opponent using all of my training throughout the years. Today, no mercy will be shown because mine along with the survival of the others depend on it.

I get hit here and there as Romanov makes sure all that serves him is well trained, so the battles to come will not be a walk through the park. Grabbing my gun from the ground I pull the trigger ending him once and for all. As I hear footsteps stomping towards me my heart starts to beat irregularly. An adrenaline I'm all too familiar with.

I look at the man that launches at me backing up kneeing till he falls on his knees wincing in pain. I quickly look up seeing another running towards me. A look of pure hatred for me plastered all over his face. I immediately jump up and over the man with all of my force. My legs locking around the other man's neck as I pull down twisting my body throwing him onto the ground harshly. Standing firmly I grab my gun shooting both men.

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