🐺 Wolf - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Outside my modest front garden was a crowd of about 15 people. Most of them were adults, older than me and Dec while two in the middle were the eldest, the male who was tall and dominating while the women petite but held kind, wise features.

"Uncle Ant!" A young voice called and I frowned in confusion as a scrawny blonde teen squeezed out from behind the shapeshifters. He popped out of the crowd and beamed at me, barging through the gate to run into my arms.

I barely caught the boy, being beyond confused and then it clicked as Declan laughed and said, "Steady Milo you're not a pup anymore."

My jaw fell open as I looked at Dec and enclosed my arms around the young lad, "Milo?" I whispered in shock and the boy pulled away, nodding his head quickly.

"I shifted see!" His voice broke sweetly and I chuckled as he gave us a twirl, rubbing at his ear in a very dog like way. He hadn't lost a single bit of his energy and it was very sweet.

"I do see, I didn't recognised you for a minute there." Milo grinned happily and looked up with big brown eyes as the eldest man stepped up behind him along with who I guessed to be his wife.

"You must be Anthony."

The man held out his hand and nervously I shook it nodding my head, "Aye sir that's me."

I felt a chill run down my spine at the contact of the older man and I shivered making him raise his eyebrow.

"My name is Alphonsus Donnelly. I'm Declans father as well as Alpha of this pack. This is my Luna Anne."

"Pleasure to meet you Ma'am." I smiled kissing her offered hand and stepping back beside Dec who was beaming.

"Declan told us of all you did for him and Milo. We aren't quite sure how we can repay you." The lady smiled, as Dec stepped up infront of his parents, letting them place a hand on each of his shoulders like a child at parent's evening.

Anne kissed his cheek lovingly making me smile, it was clear how much they loved him.

"I don't need repayment Ma'am, anyone would have done it."

She shook her head, "No, no one would have, you brought our boy.... and our favourite grandson..." she smiled as Milo dug his way into her arms and continued, "...back to us and for that we are in your dept."

"I have nothing to ask of you." I whispered, fighting the urge to ask them for the one thing I desperately wanted. To just be with Declan.

"Ask them Ant." Dec whispered and my eyes shot to his curiously.

"There's nothing... honestly I'm happy you are all together... g-glad I could help and all."

"You don't seem so sure son?" Alphonsus pressed and I felt my body tremble slightly at the need to confess what had been on my mine. I wasn't jealous of their power, or their ability to change their form. I could live without all that but I couldn't live without Dec... part of me has been wondering if a wolf pack could ever make an exception for a lonely human.

My eyes met Dec's and he nodded supportively. I took in a deep breath, stealing all my nerves.

"Actually sir... t-there is one thing... but I know you're views on it." The taller man frowned and arched an eyebrow.

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