Not an update, but a bit of notice

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Hello everyone. It has been a while, no? Well, there are reasons why I wasn't able to update that much, and that includes my school. Lately, Quizzes and such were piling, and I have to study for them. As for my reason why I wasn't able to update this christmas, I was a bit too busy, having a flight and yeah, tons of things happened.

Anyway, I'll just point it out that I will not stop making updates, as well as tons of things. Follow me on Twitter, @Shadowishere5 and I'll be posting some notices there and such, so it wont be stockpiling here.

Also, I have made a new book, its The Anomalous Guardian and it currently has the prologue at the moment. With that said, I will focus on SRIF more than the new book, and hopefully finish it before Anomalous Guardian.

Thank you and have a good day.

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