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I'm kinda sad that there is little fanfiction of Akali x Male Reader, so heres my attempt at doing so. Please be advised I'm still an amateur and don't know lots of making stories.
I am in my battle gear, jumping from rooftop to rooftop trying to find the four members of the KDA - who had a concert going on - because they had been kidnapped, KDA-Fans panicking.

I was at a bar called Leaf Bar, calmly drinking my soda and talking to Turner when I heard someone screaming.
??? 2: WHAT?!
I had my eyes wide and looked at Turner - a 26 years old red-head - the owner of said bar and he looked back.

Me: I'll be going to find them. I'll pay this later.

Turner nodded, since he knew my profession of a Ninja that protects from the shadows and I ran to the rooftops - shifting the colors of my overcoat with white and the kanji, put on my mask and wrapped the hita-ite on my right shoulder and slammed the rooftop door open.

I turned to the screams and jumped rooftop to rooftop as the screams grow louder.

~End Flashback~
With my senses, I hear muffled screams and shouts under the building I am on, two blocks from here. I jumped there and saw guys in black suits - with the KDA - entering a building. I took note of the sound of an approaching helicopter. I jumped to the building side and ran up. When I reached to the rooftop, no one was there. I hid in the shadows and a second later the door bursted open.

The men in black shoved each K/DA on the floor and one waved to the helicopter. The members of the group were tied up and had a handkierchief wrapped around their mouth. I could hear Akali whispering to Ahri even muffled.

Akali(muffled): Hey Ahri, can you use your ability?

Ahri shook her head and was desperate to remove the rope by scratching it. When the helicopter came, The men started to get them. But before they could get them, I threw a single kunai and whispered 'Kage Kunai Bunshin' and a single kunai multiplied to fifty. Ahri's ears twitched to my position before looking at me. Some of the kunais killed four out of fifteen members and they looked at the source.

One with a grey hair: Wha- GET HIM!

I got out of the shadows, my cerulean eyes long gone to bright crimson eyes and I brought out my kunai as I run to them. They got ready and some rushed at me with tantos in hand. Four to be exact. Two each were at both sides and I threw a kunai to the man at the right and had his ally behind him. To my surprise the kunai phased through him and hit the one at his back. I noted that I may have to use what I did to Madara before my final breath to him. I dealt with the two at my left with a single kunai and stabbed one of them at the chest and left a kunai jabbed onto the shoulder of his comrade.

I had my left hand pressed onto the ground as my legs on the air between them and kicked them away. the one who can be intangible rushed at me. I ran at him, kunai in my left hand and a blue swirling sphere appeared on my right hand. As we were going closer, I threw the kunai at his head and like what I thought, The kunai passed through his head.

Akali's POV
I saw the knife pass through as I thought

Me(thought): He's gonna die...

I noticed when he threw the knife, his left arm moved his mask up, I saw him smirk.

As soon as it passed through, his fist running to my face but when the kunai moved a bit farther from the head, I flashed(Teleported) and slammed the rasengan on the guy's back while my left taking my kunai, screaming,


The rasengan was powerful to drive him to the ground and broke a bit of the floor. As the rasengan moved so, I marked him with my Hiraishin and
unsheathed my sword. Then I flashed to my kunai stuck on one of their shoulder and stabbed him through his heart with my sword.

I took it off and threw another kunai at the guy holding his chest and whispered once more 'Kage Kunai Bunshin' and the kunai multiplied, impaling the guy and he died.

Akali's POV
At this point I had my eyes wide as the person who is currently trying to save us disposed of them easily.

Me(thought): He's strong...

He wiped his sword and sheathed it. He looked at the remaining 7 as one charged up an attack, one coated his arm with electricity and the remaining five aimed their guns at him.

He took of my mask and smiled at them. I, along with the others blushed as his face, kind of intimidated by his lifeless crimson eyes.

???: You aren't going anywhere.

The one who is charging his attack: Tch. Like hell you'l--

He cuts himself off when he, along the 6  remaining kidnappers - Me and the rest of my group included - saw the world envelope with black, the ground still the same but expanded more, the buildings are gone, and the moon turned to ripples with three tomoes. the un-masked person closed his eyes.

Grey hair Guy: What is going on here?!

He shouted as they looked around. The unknown person laughed. He opened his eyes and both of his eyes were like a pinwheel.

???: Welcome to Tsukoyomi, A world where I am God. The duration is 72 hours and in the real world, time passes in 3 seconds. You and your men shall suffer.

He multiplied and his dopplegangers went up to them, circled each of them and brought out their swords. He, the original, looked at me and my friends. The pinwheel spinning.

???: You don't need to see this.

Then the world suddenly reverted back to normal after his eye blocked our view. Three seconds pass and five of the ones in the helicopter fall down and out of it, screaming. Same could be said for the last two. The cause of this walked up to them and stabbed them with his kunais.

He walked up to us and cut off the rope, took off the handkierchief that was preventing us to talk. Then he walked to the edge of the roof, his mask put on as he did so, and was about to leave when I shouted to him.

Akali: Thank you for saving us, but who are you? How can we repay you and How can we contact you?

He turned around and looked at us, his once crimson eyes replaced with cerulean eyes.

???: I go by my moniker or title: 'The Yellow Flash' and You don't need to repay me. As for contacting me,

He threw four of his kunai down and I noticed the ones he used against the men all but one disappeared.

???: You may have these four, Throw them onto the ground if needed. And if the police asks you what happened. Tell them this: "The one who dances in the shadows is feared, no one can compete and the scum of this world will cower in fear. This said person is called the 'Yellow Flash'.".

He did a sign with his right hand and disappeared in a yellow flash. I felt a paper rip out of my clothing and I looked at the person who did, It was Ahri holding a paper taped onto my right shoulder

Ahri: 'My name is Y/N Nachisenki. If you wish to see me in person, go to Leaf Bar and tell the barkeep there, 'The village who strikes from the shadows are proud and feared by enemies. The Village Hidden In Leaves.'' Huh.

Y/N? That's a cute name...
Wait.. I called him cute?

I feel my cheeks burn. I hear footsteps and looked to the source and saw the police. He and the others looked at the corpses left behind.

Policeman: What happened here?

Shinobi reborn in the Future [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin