The Concert Part 2

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Hello everyone, Shadow here. I know I haven't updated this story in a while... well in a month, but like the tag in the title of the story, the updates will be slow. The problem is, my studies are piling up and games pull my attention away from the story itself, but without a further ado, Let's start the chapter.

-Y/N's POV-
The concert was loud. Let me rephrase that, it was very loud. Naturally, the girls did their solos, the crowd growing wilder each time they perform. My solo was around after the group's famous hit, POP/STARS. If I were my past self, I'd leave this place due to how noisy it is, but that is in the past and I don't wish to deal with it.

I'm currently on the rooftop under a genjutsu, humming before the music of the hit starts. Normally, you'd think I won't let my guard down in this day, but no. Paranoia is a normal thing for us, shinobi.

I cut those thoughts off before focusing on their performance, having already dropped down and beyond the barrier that separates the fans and the stage, still under a genjutsu to blend in.

I couldn't help but stare at Akali the whole time. These past days, I kept wondering why Akali gives out the nostalgic vibes to me. Maybe is it because of the fact that I am a shinobi and she's practically a ninja?

Questions rang into my head as I snapped back to reality, just in time for them to make their final pose. I hurriedly used Hiraishin to go backstage and mentally prepared

I won't lie, it has been a while since I've been seen on the public for how long, so it's a bit understandable that I'm nervous. Akali and Kai'sa came to the backstage, the latter nodding at me.

"It's your turn, Y/N." The former called out, looking at me expectantly. I couldn't help but smirk, adding chakra to my eyes to change them into crimson ones, but not the Sharingan.

"I already know, but thanks for the reminder, Akali-chan." I exclaimed, walking past her, seven kunais ready in between my fingers as I walked to the stage.

-Third Person's POV-
Unbeknown to Y/N, he failed to notice the light blush Akali had, though the dancer noticed and smirked at her.

"So he's adding the chan suffix to your name, Huh." Kai'sa teased, having already learned those formal and affectionate suffixes when she was travelling around the world.

"I've heard that the ch--" "Yes I know, Kai'sa." Akali quickly cut the dancer off, the once light blush now turned into a deep shade of red. The kunoichi walked away from the dancer, the latter giggling to herself and shaking her head.

-Akali's POV-
'Does he really mean on saying that?' I could feel my cheeks burn as I walked to the dressing room. 'Or is it just a habit?' I thought sadly before turning on the television. The perks of being a very popular group was that we can livestream the concert, with payment of course.

I watched Y/N come to the stage, the seven kunais in between his fingers. The music of his latest release came and started blasting on the speakers while the crowd shout in excitement.

'Is he still... smirking?' I thought to myself and focused on his face. Sure enough, he was still smirking. I stopped focusing on his face and focused on his performance as he started to move.


This is sudden, but his moves were graceful. Though, Kuro's theory does prove true when Minato and Y/N sang together. I felt my cheeks go warmer than before.

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