Omake: A New Champion.

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This takes place when the League of Legends has been created and the champions are already there. There are no summoners here but respawn is there and only one life. so yeah. Y/N is still Minato but with a lot of jutsus in his arsenal. Enjoy.

-Reader's POV-
I calmly walked down a stone pavement as the League came into view, travelers and stall owners chattering. I'm Minato Namikaze, or should I say, Y/N L/N. I have been long since set foot on the Elemental Nations, which was my home. I gave up trying to find a way back, knowing that it must've been universes away from this world to my home world. I also noticed that no one but only I have chakra in this world. I somehow obtained the Sharingan and it evolved into an Eternal Mangekyoū Sharingan after I awakened my Sharingan. My memories and knowledge of jutsus are still with me. Finding out that re-training my body to fit my needs hurt, especially when I fully recovered my Flying Raijin Seal and testing it out. The feeling of using it for the first time in this body made me nostalgic about the pain I felt when I first used it. I have a katana strapped under my Hokage Robes. But back to reality, I walked in the entrance and looked at the recruiter. He was wearing a blue sweater and black baggy pants. His footwear was basic sandals and he was holding a clipboard.

"Alright, to those who wants to join the League, come with me." The recruiter turned around and walked deep into the building. I swiftly followed and noticed a lot of people joined. We stopped at a room with a large space and a lot of machines and things in it. A group of people wearing the same thing like the recruiter was there, too.

"We will conduct tests to see your capabilities. We will pair up people to spar. If you lose at the first round, You are out of the program." A tall male from the group boomed out and the others walked to us. They paired others and I patiently waited for my partner. I come across a man with black hair and golden eyes.

He looked decent and he had the cocky smirk plastered on his face. I looked around his person from here and from what I gather, He doesn't have a weapon.

'A fist-fighter?' I mused. "Alright. The rules are pretty simple. If your opponent is knocked out or unable to continue, you win. Killing your opponent will make you disqualified and banned from the tests forever." The same man said in a loud voice.

"Ready yourselves. The timer starts in 3..." The people around us prepared, some unsheathed their weapons and some took a deep breathe. My opponent however had his smirk grow and got into a boxer stance. I saw holes in his stance that I could easily exploit. I resisted the urge to sigh as I got into a defensive stance and took out a kunai from my storage seal in my right palm.

"2..." His golden eyes shimmered while my ocean blue turned icy. My grip on my kunai tightened.

"1..." My free hand formed a half Tiger hand seal, having long practiced to use one handed seals and my mastery over them made me able to use only one or no hand seal to execute a jutsu.

"GO!" I immediately blew out a large fireball at him. The guy had his eyes wide before barely dodging the fireball.

As he did that, I dropped my kunai on the floor. I didn't give him the chance to react as I dashed to him at great speeds and started to use a modified taijutsu.

I threw a right hook to the face and a left hook followed it's wake, a punch to the gut made him double over and it gave me the space to roundhouse kick him.

He flew back a bit and fell down. I got into a stance as he pushed himself up. My opponent had lost his smirk and was now replaced with an angry one. He rushed at me, his right fist high.

I smirked and formed a Tiger seal before throwing another large fireball at him.

-Third Person-
The raven haired male had his eyes wide as he got hit by the fireball. He was thrown back a lot before Y/N dashed past him, a Rasengan ready on his right palm and he rammed the sphere at the back of the cocky male. Y/N's opponent flew back and hit the ground.

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