Chapter 77:It's Time

Start from the beginning

Anger builds in me. I groan and punch a wall.

"Agh! This is hopeless! The place is so big and so many places to look! So little time! He could be dying or gone already!"I yell in frustration

I keep pounding my fists on the wall, dropping the blades. Then, tears fill my eyes and I cry.

"Geno...I'm so sorry. I couldn't help you...find you...Protect you. You've done it all and I can't do the same. I was made from your inspiring traits, given a purpose to be a guardian like you. But it seems I can't live up to that...."I mutter, sobbing

I lower my hands from the wall. I put one against a wall tile. It slides inward.


I could not believe my very eyes. I found a miracle.

The space of the wall fell apart, creating a doorway space. Inside it was a long stairwell spiralling downward with a railing. I peek over the railing and see a faint light at the bottom. I could hear faint noises, like someone talking and the other gasping for air. I take the tile that slid in and toss it down. The speaker yells in pain, it must've hit their head. The one gasping for air is unable to be heard. But I recognize the yeller as Serram. Meaning the other may be Geno. Maybe I can. Then, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I run off, picking the blades up, towards the meeting place. I bought Geno some time, I know that. But not much. I need to get back and meet with Fenna, regroup and attack together. Two is better than one. That gives us better chances of success. I duck behind a wall in case Serram was behind me.

I catch my breath. Then I peek around the corner to see the hologram. My eyes widen.

There was a figure there. He stood, looking at the hologram of Geno, his face hidden by a hood. He is wearing a cloak as dark as shadows and nothing else could be told of him from where I peek. I assume it's Serram or someone bad. I watch silently. But instead of hurting the hologram or using it as some kind of practice dummy, he tries to place a hand on hologram Geno's cheek.

"Geno....I will find you. It's gonna be okay. I promise."He says

Then, he lowers his hood. But he's crying.

"No need to worry. I'm coming. Heck, I found this old place so I have to be close."He says

I gasp in shock, then cover my mouth.

But he heard it. He looks in my direction and in a single blink he was real close to my with a scythe at my neck. He narrows his eyes at me.

"Where is Geno you little spy?"He snaps

"And why would I tell you? You're probably gonna join Serram, using this thing on Geno!"I respond

"I would never!"He says

"Uh-huh. And what makes you so trustworthy? Actions speak louder than words."I say, pointing to the scythe at my neck

"Yes, that's why I have it at you and not him or his friends."He tells me

"What friends? The friend he told me about?"I ask

"What do you mean?"He asks

"My name is Sarama. I've hung out with Geno as long as he's been captured. He's spoken so much of his friends that he got taken from. Very interesting. I'm guessing you're his friend looking for him too?"I ask

"I am. Wait, you're Sarama?"He replies

"Mhm."I say

"Oh! Well, I'm-"He begins

"Get away from my sister before I burn you to a crisp!"Fenna's voice yells

I look to the right and see Fenna running over, fireballs in hand. This guy quickly lowers the scythe. Fenna comes between us.

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